Combinatorics (MATH 345) Homepage
Listed below are some useful items for you.
Problem Sets
Thoughts on homework
Corrections and Comments for the 5th Edition of Introductory Combinatorics
Budapest Semesters in Mathematicsa
We'll miss you, Count von Count.
Which t-shirt do you want?
For your homework you will need to use LaTeX, a tool for typesetting mathematics. The use of Overleaf has
gained widespread popularity - it is a "collaborative, online LaTeX editor that anyone can use."
Or you can proceed the old-fashioned way...Have you got a Mac?
Get TexShop here.
Have you got a PC?
MikTeX is here and TexnicCenter is here.
To give you an idea of exams from previous times I taught the course.
Exam 1 - Fall '12
Exam 1 - Spring '15
Exam 1 - Spring '18
Exam 1 - Spring '20
Exam 1 - Fall '21
Exam 2 - Fall '12
Exam 2 - Spring '15
Exam 2 - Spring '18
Exam 2 - Fall '21
Exam 3 - Fall '12
Exam 3 - Spring '15
Exam 3 - Spring '18
Exam 3 - Fall '21
Our text, Introductory Combinatorics, 5th edition, has an author - here is his website.
The final exam (i.e. Exam 3) will be given only on the scheduled exam day (December 14, 9am--12noon), please make plans accordingly.
Some former students of mine have been quite successful with combinatorics and other things. Read about a few:
Ben Liang ('09)
Mark Egan ('08)
Aden Forrow ('13)
Kyle Gerstenschlager ('15)
Victor Larsen('09) (Victor is now my academic brother.)
Rob Nicol ('11)
Aly Fassett-Carman('15)
Aden Forrow('13)
Alex Scibetta('14)
Daisy Zhuo ('12)
Why don't these links work?
Anna Blasiak ('07)
Linton Zhou('13)
Carolynn Johnson('15)
In the past, a few students in this class have been good at dancing and singing. What is your special talent?
David Park ('15)