The Gray Treefrog measures from 1-2 inches. Adult Gray Treefrogs have a gray lichen-like pattern on their skin with a light patch under the eyes, and no dorsolateral ridges. Recently metamorphosed Gray Treefrogs are bright emerald green with smooth skin. The Gray Treefrog has larger adhesive toe pads than the Spring Peeper and is an excellent climber.
Gray Treefrogs have a loud short trill and often call from the trees where they feed. They generally call on warm, humid nights from April through July. Their peak calling time is at the beginning of June.
They deposit 1,000-2,000 eggs in clusters of 10-40. Tadpoles are distinguishable by their reddish-orange tails.
Gray Treefrogs breed in slow moving or standing water with abundant vegetation. They are widely distributed in Vermont but they are most common in lowlands and missing from our highest elevations.
This species has a state natural heritage rank of S5 (common). Please report sightings of this species in Vermont if you have not reported them within the last five years from a given location. Any natural history observations (feeding, migrations, road crossing areas, early or late season appearance, abnormalities, etc.) are appreciated. Photographs are always helpful, particularly if your report is the first report of this species from a town.
Species summary written by Kaile Burgess.
Bodin, Madeline. 2007. In Nature: Gray Treefrog gets second billing. Burlington Free Press (June 22, 2007), (accessed June 25, 2007).