
As you can see the page is far from being done. It's in dire need of a proofread and needs proper references. Also I'd like to add a lot more in the aging section of the In Nature page. Aging is something a lot of people take for granted, but some researchers may be coming close to explaing how and why we age. This information has great potential to help people; many of age-related diseases, such as atherioschlerosis and certain types of cancer, are suspected to be caused by free radical chemistry in the body. Understanding what's going on the molecular level could help battle these diseases. Medical applications go past the curing of disease, one day there could be a fountain of youth pill!

I used Adobe pagemill for most of the page construction, but it went bad recently and since than I've been using a mixture of bumbling through straight html language in Word and Netscape Navigator Gold. Pagemill was much better than either while it was working, I highly recommend it, as long as you don't mind taking the risk that it may break down on you. The stick drawings were made using Chemdraw Pro on a Mac and the Spartan figures were made on a Silicon Graphics unix workstation.

This project was created for the Middlebury College January-term class CH 337 Molecular Modeling.

The Basics - Synthesis - Everyday Life - Conclusion