Profit Sharing and Peer Reporting,with Andrea Robbett and Prottoy Akbar, (formerly IZA DP No. 9946) Management Science, 64(9): 4261-4276 (2018).
The Sequencing of Gift Exchange. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 139(1): 26-31 (2017).
Ceding Control: An Experimental Analysis of Participatory Management, with Peter Matthews and Phil Mellizo, the Journal of the Economic Science Association, 3(1): 62-74 (2017).
Exploitation Aversion: When financial incentives fail to motivate agents, with David Dolifka, (formerly IZA DP No. 7499) Journal of Economic Psychology, 61(1): 213-224 (2017).
Using Raffles to Fund Public Goods: Lessons from a Field Experiment, with Peter Matthews, Journal of Public Economics, 150(1): 30-38 (2017).
Progressive Taxation in a Torunament Economy, with Peter Matthews and Ben Tabb, the Journal fo Public Economics, 143(1): 64-72 (2016).
The Labor Supply of Fixed Wage Workers: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment, European Economic Review, 89(1): 85-95 (2016).
Motivating Agents: How much does the mission matter? with Erick Gong, the Journal of Labor Economics, 34(1): 211-236 (2016).
An Introduction to "Bucket Auctions" for Charity, with Jessica Holmes and Peter Matthews, Games and Economic Behavior, 88(1): 260-276 (2014).
Workplace Democracy in the Lab, with Peter Matthews and Phil Mellizo, Industrial Relations Journal, 45(4): 313-328 (2014).
Peer Monitoring and Microcredit: Field experimental evidence from Paraguay, with Tyler Williams, Oxford Development Studies, 42(1): 111-135 (2014).
Overconfidence is a Social Signaling Bias, With Stephen Burks, Lorenz Goette and Aldo Rustichini, the Review of Economic Studies, 80(3):949-983 (2013).
Cognitive Ability and Strategic Sophistication, with Michael Graham and Jesse Wolf, Games and Economic Behavior, 80(1): 115-130 (2013).
Self Selection and Variations in the Laboratory Measurement of Other-Regarding Preferences across Subject Pools: Evidence from one college student and two adult samples, with various co-authors, Experimental Economics, 16(2): 170-189 (2013).
Risk Attitudes and Well-being in Latin America, with Juan Camilo Cardenas, the Journal of Development Economics 103(2): 52-61 (2013).
Which Measures of Time Preference Best Predict Outcomes? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment, with Stephen Burks, Lorenz Goette and Aldo Rustichini, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 84(1): 308-320 (2012).
Network Architecture and Mutual Monitoring in Public Goods Experiments, with Shachar Kariv and Andrew Schotter, the Review of Economic Design 12(2): 93-118 (2012).
Norm Enforcement: Anger, Indignation or Reciprocity, with Peter Matthews, the Journal of the European Economic Association 10(3): 555-572 (2012).
Crying Over Spilt Milk: Sunk Costs, Fairness Norms, and the Hold-Up Problem, with Peter Matthews, the Journal of Microeconomics 1(1): 1-22 (2012).
Dopamine Receptor Genes Predict Risk Preferences, Time Preferences, and Related Economic Outcomes, with Justin Garcia and J. Loji Lum, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 42(3): 233-261 (2011).
An Inter-Cultural Examination of Cooperation in the Commons, with Juan Camilo Cardenas, the Journal of Conflict Resolution 55(4): 632-651 (2011).
Jumping and Sniping at the Silents: Does it matter for charities? with Jessica Holmes and Peter Matthews, the Journal of Public Economics 95(5-6): 395-402 (2011).
Do Social Preferences Increase Productivity? Field experimental evidence from fishermen in Toyama Bay with Erika Seki, Economic Inquiry 49(2): 612-630 (2011).
Endogenous Participation in Charity Auctions, with Jessica Holmes and Peter Matthews, the Journal of Public Economics 94(11-12): 921-935 (2010).
Why Volunteer? Evidence on the role of altruism, reputation and incentives, with Caitlin Myers, the Journal of Public Economics 94(11-12): 911-920 (2010).
Norm Enforcement: The Role of Third Parties, with Peter Matthews, the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 166(2): 239-258 (2010).
Tournaments and Office Politics: Evidence from a real effort experiment, with Peter Matthews and John Schirm, the American Economic Review, 100(1): 504-17 (2010).
They Come to Play: Supply effects in an economic experiment, with Allison Liati and Brian Vickery, Rationality & Society, 22(1): 83-102 (2010).
What Norms Trigger Punishment? with Peter Matthews, Experimental Economics, 12(3): 272-288 (2009).
Cognitive Skills Explain Economic Preferences, Strategic Behavior and Job Attachment, with Stephen Burks, Lorenz Goette and Aldo Rustichini, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 12; 106(19): 7745-7750 (2009).
Strong Reciprocity and Team Production, with Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis and Sung-Ha Hwang, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 71(2): 221-232 (2009).
Performance Pay and the Erosion of Worker Cooperation: Field experimental evidence, with Stephen Burks and Lorenz Goette, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 70(3): 459-469 (2009).
Altruistic Behavior in a Representative Dictator Experiment, with Cristina Connolly and Caitlin Myers, Experimental Economics, 11(3): 282-298 (2008).
Behavioral Development Economics: Lessons from field labs in the developing world, with Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Journal of Development Studies, 44(3): 337-364 (2008).
Charity Auctions: A Field Experiment, with Jessica Holmes and Peter Matthews, the Economic Journal, 118(January): 92-113 (2008).
Fairness and Freight-Handlers: A Test of Fair-Wage Theory in a Trucking Firm, with Stephen Burks and Eric Verhoogen, the Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60(4): 477-498 (2007).
Punishing Free-Riders:
How Group Size Affects Mutual Monitoring and the Provision
of Public Goods, Games and Economic Behavior, 60(1): 31-51 (2007).
The Demand for Punishment,
the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62(4): 522-542 (2007).
Space, Trust, and Communal Action: Results from field experiments in Southeast Asia, with Amrita Daniere and Lois Takahashi, Journal of Regional Science, 46(4): 681-705 (2006).
Competitive Work Environments and Social Preferences: Field experimental evidence from a Japanese fishing community, with Erika Seki, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, BE Press, 5(2), Article 2 (January 2006).
No Switch Backs: rethinking aspiration-based dynamics in the ultimatum game, with Peter Matthews, Theory and Decision, 58(4):351-385 (June 2005).
The Effect of Stakes
In Distribution Experiments, with Stephen Burks
and Eric Verhoogen, Economics Letters, 86(3):393-398 (March
Trust and Social Capital in Southeast Asian Urban Slums,
with Amrita Daniere and Lois Takahashi, Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 55(4):533-552 (December 2004).
Social Preferences," Review of Radical Political Economics,
37(1):63-84 (Winter, 2005).
Punish? Social Reciprocity and the Enforcement of Prosocial
with Peter Matthews and Okomboli Ong'Ong'a, Journal of Evolutionary
Economics, 14(4): 407-429 (October 2004).
in Rome: Conformity and the Provision of Public Goods,
Journal of Socio-Economics, 33(4):395-408 (September 2004).
Capital and Trust in Southeast Asian Cities, with
Amrita Daniere and Lois Takahashi, Urban Studies, 41(4):853-874
(April 2004).
Is Fairness Used Instrumentally?
Evidence from Sequential Bargaining, Journal of Economic
Psychology, 24(4):467-489 (August 2003).
Escalation, Deference, and Spite: Strategies used in Labor-Management
Bargaining Experiments with Outside Options
with McAndrew Rudisill, Labour Economics,
10(4):427-442 (August 2003).
Playing Both Roles in the
Trust Game with Stephen Burks and Eric Verhoogen, Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, 51(2):195-216 (June
Intentions, and Evolution: The new versus the old psychological
game theory with Peter Matthews, Behavior and Brain Sciences,
26(2):158-159 (April 2003).
Bargaining Outcomes as the
Result of Coordinated Expectations: an experimental study
of sequential bargaining, Journal of Conflict Resolution,
47(2):119-139 (April 2003).
Evolutionary Models of Bargaining:
Comparing agent-based computational and analytical approaches
to understanding convention evolution, Computational Economics,
19(1):25-49 (April 2002).
Information, Fairness, and
Reciprocity in the Best Shot Game, Economics Letters,
75(2):243-248 (April 2002).
Negotiation in the Commons:
Incorporating Field and Experimental Evidence into a Theory
of Local Collective Action, Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics, 156(4):661-683 (December 2000).
Blurring the Line Between
Rationality and Evolution, Journal of Consciousness Studies,
7(1-2):291-295 (January/February 2000).