FS028 In Search of Heroes |
FS 028 In Search of the Heroes of Our Time Fall Semester 2001 Course Requirements Students are expected to be active instruments of their own learnimng. As partners in our learning community you are expected to attend all classes including film screenings and complete all work on time. All work should represent your very finest effort.
I assume that all students are capable of A work. If you attend all classes, demonstrate that you have read and thought about or weekly topics, do all the assignments on time to the best of your ability, you should expect a grade of "A." Efforts that fall short of those expectations reduce your grade accordingly. If you are not prepared or unable to work toward "A" level performance, you should reconsider your contributions to your fellow students.
Note: You are permitted one unexcused absence from class, one missed film screening, one late written assignment. Each subsequent absence or late work results in a half grade reduction.