Our online form is meant for filling out and submitting electronically, but you also may print it before or after filling it out.
Please send printed forms (with any photos or recordings) to
If you have any trouble with this electronic form, please email the webmistress. She will try to help! You may also email a report to Jim Andrews directly if the form gives you trouble. Thank you!
Please fill out this report form as completely as you can. Thank you!
Required fields are marked with an asterisk. You may use "tab" to go from field to field.
* Species Common Name
Scientific (Latin) Name
* Date of Sighting
State or Province Vermont New York New Hampshire Massachusetts Quebec
County Addison Bennington Caledonia Chittenden Essex Franklin Grand Isle Lamoille Orange Orleans Rutland Washington Windham Windsor Not a Vermont County
* Town
* Specific Site Location
Directions to Location
Habitat Description
Who owns the land where this animal was found?
Please describe any field marks, background colors, patterns, shape and color of any markings:
* Size (length, width)
Markings, colors, patterns:
* on back, sides
on underside
on head, neck
on legs, tails
Distinguishing features, calls, behaviors
How clearly you observed this animal
How familiar are you with this species?
How did you rule out similar species? (Please be detailed)
Additional information
Good quality photographic or audio records allow others to verify your report. Attach them with this form if possible. If not, please note below any recording or photographs which you will send by post. Please label each audio record, photograph, etc. with clear filenames. NOTE: The max file size is 2 Mb each (larger attachments will prevent the form from sending. You'll get an error message at the top and these filename fields will be reset).
Attach an Image
Attach a second image
Attach a third image
Attach a fourth image
Attach more than four images in one zip file
Attach an Audio file (mp3 only)
More images or audio? Check this box only if you will send additional photos or audio by separate email or by postal mail (then please list them below!)
List of records (if any) you will send as hard copy
(in case we have questions. We won’t spam you.)
* Observer's First Name
* Last Name
* Email
Any other observers' names
Zip Code
* Please enter the letters and numbers you see to the right.
form script code by Dagon Design; customized by metasilk webworks. Please report any submission errors to kir at metasilk webworks dot com.
Thanks for your help!