Institutions that Contributed Records
The following organizations helped gather new field records:
- Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center
- Burr and Burton Academy
- Central Vermont Audubon
- Charlotte Conservation Commission
- Middlebury College Biology Classes (185, 202, 302, 391)
- Moretown Elementary Students (Grades 5/6)
- Newfane Conservation Commission
- National Wildlife Federation
- NorthWoods Stewardship Center
- Orwell 8th Grade Class
- Putney School
- Shoreham 6th Grade Class
- Springfield High School Biology Class
- Smokey House Field Studies Program
- Sterling Institute
- Trinity College Biology Class
- University of Vermont Field Naturalist Program
- Vermont Audubon Youth Camp
- Vermont Family Forests
- Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
- Vermont Girl Scouts
- Vermont Institute of Natural Science
- Vermont Public Interest Research Group
- Vermont Youth Conservation Corps
- Wallingford Elementary School
- Windham Central School
The following museums and institutions contributed information about specimens and field records from Vermont:
- American Museum of Natural History
- Canadian Museum of Nature
- Carnegie Museum
- Cornell University
- Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology
- Louisiana State University, Museum of Zoology
- Montshire Museum
- Norwich University, Vertebrate Collection
- United States National Museum (Smithsonian)
- University of Connecticut, State Museum of Natural History
- University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology
- University of Vermont, Zadock Thompson Natural History Collection
- Yale University, Peabody Museum
Although the following institutions have been renamed (Museum of Science), and no longer house specimens, records were taken from copies of their files:
- New England Museum of Natural History
- Boston Museum of Science