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by date and title 


1852 Childhood

1853 “The Raid”

1854 Boyhood

1855-6 Sevastopol Sketches


1856 A Landlord’s Morning

1856 Youth

1859 “Family Happiness”

1863 The Cossacks

1865-9 War and Peace

1872 A Prisoner in the Caucasus

1878 Anna Karenina

1879 Conversion

1880 A Criticism of Dogmatic Theology

1882 Confession

1882 Union and Translation of the Four Gospels

1884 What I Believe

1886The Death of Ivan Ilyich"

1890 The Kreutzer Sonata

1890 On Life and Death

1890-98 Father Sergius

1893 The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You

1895 The Power of Darkness

1897 What Is Art?

1899 Resurrection

1903 The Living Corpse; Light Shines in the Darkness

1904 Hadji Murad,


Note: This is not a complete list of Tolstoy’s writings.  For further information, follow the links below.


For background information and a timeline on selected works of Tolstoy:

For a complete list of Tolstoy’s writings, including all religious tracts of his later years and unpublished works, categorized by genre:

For free online e-texts to many of Tolstoy’s major works:

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This site was last updated 11/01/05