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Tolstoy's Biography
Literary Works
Anna Karenina
Photo Gallery
Fun Facts
Works Cited
Web Project Team

This web site aims to provide an overview of the life and works of Russian author Leo Tolstoy.  In addition, the project provides information, criticism, and topics for discussion concerning his world-renowned novel, Anna Karenina.  Click on a link in the menu or an area below to begin!

Leo Tolstoy's Life

Anna Karenina

Leo Tolstoy pictured here in 1909 with children

A cover shot of Leo Tolstoy's popular novel

Photo Gallery

Works Cited

This section of the project provides a collection of photos of Tolstoy, his family, and the scenic images of Mother Russia. Collection of reference materials, both online and offline, used in the research portion of this project.


Home | Tolstoy's Biography | Literary Works | Anna Karenina | Photo Gallery | Fun Facts | Works Cited | Web Project Team

This site was last updated 11/01/05