Professor of Russian, Middlebury College
Author and Translator of Russian Language Books and Software

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Studied in Washington D.C. and spent two sum mers at the then University of Leningrad. Two years military service in the US Army as a paratrooper. One summer of study at the University of Zagreb (in the former Yugoslavia). For the past twenty years, Professor of Russian at Middlebury College where I teach Russian language and literature. I have also taught a class of thirty high school students using Vermont Interactive Television. Author of a dozen books including the new 501 English Verbs, 501 Russian Verbs, Russian at a Glance, Russian the Fast and Fun Way, Pronounce it Perfectly in Russian. Translator of Andrey Bely's The Christened Chinaman and Glossolalia.For further information, check out my Curriculum Vitae.

I have been using the Web for my courses since the spring of 1996 in 20th Century Russian Literature with a worksheet on "How does a story mean?" A Senior Seminar on Practical Russian and Dostoevsky. I have had students contribute in an ongoing fashion to my own work. In the spring students prepared annotated bibliographies of works by and about Dostoevsky in Middlebury's College library (which has a wonderful set of resources). In the fall of 1996 students prepared web pages to accompany the great novels of Dostoevsky. Russia Today is a resource for anyone learning Russian. More recently I have used the web for projects on The Da Vinci Code and Russian Berlin.

Before the dawning of the web I prepared Russian Alphabet a HYPERCARD stack with sound for Macintoshes that still can be downloaded.

The database contains a list of texts and materials for learning Russian.

Professionally I am an educator, scholar, humanist. More importantly I see myself first as father to three lovely daughters and husband to my wife Dorothea. We enjoy travel, have spent several years in Heidelberg, and appreciate having the keys to doors of other cultures provided by the knowledge of other languages.

Middlebury College
Professor Thom as R. Beyer, Jr.

All contents copyright (C) 1997, Thomas R. Beyer, Jr. All rights reserved.