
As we refine the whistlings "s"
on the teeth, we hear the rise of a whistling line;
in the refined substance of noise sounds the voice
of a tone; "s", just like an eye, opens into an
"i." We extend the sounds "ph"; we stretch out the
lips; unaccountably a movement of the throat
composes -- this way, like in a "u"; and the sound
"ph" tears off into an "u." "Si" and "phu" generate
"i," "u"; in the refinements of light there is --
an outpouring of tone: in the illuminated ethers of
the consonant world are -- the sounding ethers of
the vowel world; the eye of light is sound; in the
vowel sound compose animated multitudes: "i" and
"u" are the boundaries; and "e," "a," "o" are --
between them.
A fullness of the soul is -- "a"
-- flying out from the netherworld of being,
together with "ha," the fullness of the soul is --
"a"-- unincarnated in Saturn, in the warmth, in
"ha," in the serpent; in
screechings/wheezings of noise, in "karah"*
are -- already sounds of the soul's activity; in
Saturn, in the inaudible "a" exists a fear of space
and time, like "(a)ch"; the exit of the throat is
extended: and the teeth and the lips are spread
apart; and flying between them, "a" flies out from
them; and in it is both the pain of objectlessness,
and passionate strivings to overcome the distances;
it flies through everything to freedom; and there
it bows before God; veneration is -- in the latter
"a"; and horror is -- in the early "a."
"E" had assembled itself all
pursed up at the upper semicircle of the orifice,
it pours forth from the extended-compressed lips;
halfheartedness, hesitation, doubt, but --
perspicacity, leading to thought is in "e";
observation, vision, appearance is -- in "e"; one's
Weltanschauung arises from "e"; if "i" is
then "e" -- this is Martha.
In "i" -- there is a support for
the stream of heat against the upper palate, a part
of the heat flies through the nose; under the
covers of "n" and behind the "s" -- there sounds an
"i"; if "n" is -- the depth of watery moisture,
then only in "in" is -- the mystery of "n":
in, inn-ig,
inn-ere; "e" and
"a" contemplate "i" from below; and from there is:
delight in "i," "i" is -- an eagle (an eagle's
beak): the eagle kidnapped Ganymede;
"i" is -- more mountain peaked than "a" -- Gods'
vision (Theoria)
is -- the mountain summit thought of all nature;
the nature of consciousness is in "i"; in the
distances is "o" in the limitlessness of world
space, "i" are -- gleams: "i" are -- little stars.
"I-e-a" is the descent of the Spirit; and "a-e-i"
is -- the ascension; when I say to myself "ia,"
that is the Russian for "I am" [ya], with
the sound of the word I reaffirm my dual nature; "I
am" -- signifies : "In me is something higher. .

The lips compose like a funnel
into "o"; and the orifices of the mouth are filled
with air; the orifice of the mouth is -- simply an
"O"; inside the externality of the consonant world
is being formed; in the coming of the soul "o" is
-- the soul quality of the child: "m" is -- the
flesh; before birth the relationship of the soul to
body is thus: -- "Om"
which signifies: inside the "O's" (the souls) ripen
the "m's"; the fabrics of the flesh; rays from the
periphery (away from "O"), as they penetrate the
"m" (the flesh), form a something sensory in the
embryo: in the capital "O" now there is a circle of
"m" (of flesh); inside the circle "m" a small "o"
ripens; it is connected to the world soul: it is
connected to the world soul: to the capital

This is -- a cross in the circle
of "O"; and four
roses (the blood of the
flesh) encircling the cross of life; standing in
the center am --"I"; "m" is -- four animals; and
"o" (capital "O") is -- the zodiac.
In the first instances of
consciousness "I" and "all
encircling" are -- connected: consciousness in
the body is -- unintelligible; it is in the "O"
(capital) giving form to zodiacal gleamings; and
these gleamings are still alive in the child, then
like in a fairy tale; with the growth of the crown
[of the head] the head and mouth are cut
off (these are the small "o") from the cosmic
waftings; the selfconsciousness of the human being
resides for one's whole life under the coverings of
the skull; for a conscious connection with the
cosmic "all encircling" the cross of wise knowledge
is needed: the crucifixion by wisdom.
Death looks like

The small "o", as it widens,
conflows with the world one; and the spiritless
people in that world lose individual consciousness;
there they are -- a capital "O."
In "O" all areas of the throat
and the trans-dental space are cut off; the orifice
fills with air; that is "a" -- pouring out below;
and -- the egg is formed: ovo,
omo; "homo" comes
together; in "o" is composed "om," putting aside
soulful sensitivity; the sound "Ao" are -- of
but in the Adonysian cults there is an "i"; the
mystery of the sound "Ao" is -- Iao; Adonis is not
"Ao": he is Iao!
In "u" the deep shaft of the
larynx is distinct; and "u" is primogenital, like
U-h-r; in "u" we sense our throat; and it
seems: sunken into the past, and there will be no
thresholds of birth; in the first instants of
infants there is a memory of the pre-birth; it
calls to memory: a corridor (the walls are "ch", in
the center of which is "u", i.e.
screechings); and in the "u" there arises to
us "Uhr";
"u" is a primogenital sound.
And "u" in the noise "ph" is --
the final sound, a trans-ph-ed
sound; "u" is -- a zephyred
sound: thus in "u" we are born; in "u" our breath
escapes: "Uhr" is -- phu; our life flows in the
center: "Uhr" -- (ze-vie) - phu. The spirit of
nature is "u"; and natural life flows into "u." "U"
is -- the shaft of the soul in our flesh; it widens
out in "o"; through the opening of the orifice of
the mouth, through the "o," we fly out into "a,"
into the world of the soul: the "I" are -- soul
beings: these are -- external thoughts and feelings
of "i" -- spirits of soulness; "i" above the "I" is
the star above the ravine/gorge.