Note there are two sections with the numbered heading 46.
karah* (scream in Sanskrit) This is Bely's note. Note that Meillet has this word.
Maria Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Martha sister of Lazarus and also of Mary
in-tra Latin
inn-ig German "intimate"
inn-ere German "inner"
Ganymede Greek beauty who is seized by an eagle and becomes cup bearer for Zeus.
Gods' vision (Theoria) Greek word "theoria." Latin word mean "theory, philosophy of speculation."
Russian [ya] means I
Om. In Hinduism and Buddhism an utterance of assent used in prayer and meditation.
four roses This might relate to the Rosicrucians and Rudolf Steiner.
Zodiac The zodiac is the portion of the Celestial Sphere that lies within 8 degrees on either side of the Ecliptic. The apparent paths of the Sun, the Moon, and the principal planets, with the exception of some portions of the path of Pluto, lie within this band of the celestial sphere. Twelve equal divisions, or signs, each 30 degrees in width, comprise the zodiac. These signs used by astrologers coincided with the zodiacal constellations about 2,000 years ago.
ovo form of ovum Latin "egg." The verb ovo means to "celebrate, rejoice."
omo an erroneous form for "homo." "homo" Latin "a human being."
Adonises Adonis in Greek mythology a beautiful young man loved by Aphrodite and Persephone who after his death spends alternating parts of the year with each.
Iao I have not found in Latin or Greek. The closest may be Latin "Janus" or Greek "Iaon." The Greek "Io" is the daughter of the river god Inachus, a priestess of Hera, seduced by Zeus and then turned into a cow. In the Egyptian pantheon she became associated with Isis.
Uhr. German [hour]. Bely as we have noted uses the poetic association of this German root along with Ur- for "ancient," although there is no explicit etymological connection.
trans-ph-ed A Bely bilingual neologism, in Russian (zei-ph-einy) to form a connection with "zephyred," derived I believe from the Russian for "zephyr." It might also remind one of Sephirote.