Welcome to the Hepburn Zoo
Welcome to the Hepburn Zoo
The Hepburn Zoo was established in the early 1970s in order to provide an informal performing space for students interested in mounting their own theatre productions. Initial funding came from an allocation from the Center for Campus Activites & Leadership fee account, and technical advice and support were provided by the French Theatre Workshop and the Theatre Department. The Hepburn Zoo (formerly a lounge/study space displaying mounted hunting trophies of A. Barton Hepburn '71, donor of Hepburn Dormitory) was commandeered for this purpose.
Over the years, funding for the Zoo theatre equipment has been provided by the Student Finance Committee, and by the budgets of the Center for Campus Activites & Leadership Office, the Theatre Department, and the Breadloaf School of English.
About the Zoo
From Left: Frozen (2008), Reckless (2008), Reckless (2008) & Severed Headshots (2007)
Contact Us @ ztheater@middlebury.edu