Listen Up! Vermont ebooks and audiobooks

Listen Up! Vermont provides both ebooks (text and imaged-based digital publications) as well as digital audiobooks for PCs and Apple devices. Users must download and install free software to use this service. Complete installation instructions, help, and the list of downloadable titles can be found here.

Instructions for using Listen Up! Vermont ebooks on several popular ebook readers can be found here:

Amazon Kindle now supports our eBook collection! A list of titles available for the Kindle on the ListenUp!Vermont Website.

Additional Resources

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers over 36,000 free ebooks to download to a PC, Kindle, Android, iOS or other portable device. You can choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. All of the ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers and are free in the United States because their copyright has expired. Project Gutenberg can be found here .