Aeria also spelled Airia, Airya Müller, Lectures (268ff) "Airya in Zend means venerable, and is at the same time the name of the people. . . .in the Zend-Avesta the whole extent of the country occupied by the Aryans is likewise called Airya." In Russian we can find in Dal',Tolkovyj slovar', the word aèr [aer] meaning "air." Airia (Airjana) is the land of the Aryans, in the eastern part of ancient Persia called by the Greeks, Areia, or Latin Aria. English uses the adjective Aryan "Applied by some to the great division or family of languages, which include Sanskrit, Zend, Persian, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Teutonic, and Slavonic, with their modern representatives; also called Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, and sometimes Japhetic [i.e. descended from Japheth, one of the sons of Noah]." (OED 1, 672) "Aryan" was in the nineteenth century considered the first language, from which all others developed. Bely associates "air" and "Aryan" while at the same time avoiding the possible confusion with the Russian borrowing for an "aria." Russian [ariya].In Steiner's description this land will play a key role as one of the original post-Atlantean stages of the development of civilizations.  The ancient land of the Aryans, i.e Indo-Europeans.