Middlebury College

Course Syllabus - RU101

Fall Semester 1996

Course Description - Begining Russian is intended to provide you with the basic communicative tools in Russian. You will learn to understand the spoken and written language and to express yourself in speech and writing. You will also learn about the life and culture of Russians today. In learning a new language you will also become familiar with the structure of Russian and the system that lets Russian communicate. If you have any questions concerning the course contact Professor Beyer.

Meeting Time / Location:

Section Z MWF 9:05 - 9:55 Seminar 1; Freeman
Section Y MWF 10:10 - 11:00 Seminar 1; Freeman
All TTH 9:30 - 10:45 Seminar 2; Freeman

Course Format/Activities:

Language interaction, active participation and pactice of the authentic language skills you will require. Classroom attendance is mandatory. All assignments must be completed before class.

Anticipated Student Workload

9-10 hours per week outside of class

Textbook/Readings (Required):

Russian Now!, Textbook,(Barron's)
Russian Now!, Workbook,(Barron's)
Russian Now!, Grammar Guide,(Barron's)
Russian Now!, Cassette Package,(Barron's)
Oxford Pocket Russian-English Dictionary

Additional Materials:

3"x5" index cards, a notebook, lined paper, a good writing pen

Class Schedule

September, October, November, December

Course Policies:

All aspects of the course will be graded in Russian fashion.
5=excellent, 4=good, 3=satisfactory, 2=unsatisfactory, 1=failure, 0=absent

Attendance - You must attend all classes. If you are well prepared, have done the assignment conscientiously and participate enthusiastically you will receive a 5. If one of those qualities is missing you will receive a 4. A 3 is given if you are not well prepared or do not particpate enthusiastically. A 2 is given for a complete failure to prepare. Even if you haven't done the assignment it is to your advantage to attend class, for an absence is given a 0. You will be permitted to drop the lowest three grades for class participation. Beyond those three only medical excuses can be considered.

Late Work is not an option in this course. You must keep pace!

Homework should be exemplary, written in a script any Russian could be proud of. Neat work with five or fewer errors is a 5. Fewer than 10 errors is a 4. More than 10 is a 3. A homework that fails to indicate sufficient effort or care to detail will be given a 1 and must be rewritten.

Tests and Exams - Regular exams will be given at the end of each section. The final counts as one exam. In addition, if it is better than your average grade, it can count as an additional grade in place of your worst exam.

Makeup - permitted only for medical reasons or personal emergencies

Cheating - Plagiarism - Much of the work of the course depends on group efforts and interactions. Asking someone for assistance is an intelligent way to do good work. However, representing someone else's work as your own is academically dishonest and is not tolerated at Middlebury. When in doubt give credit to others involved in your work. Ex. Olya helped me with numbers two and three, or Sasha and I worked together on this assignment.

Student Evaluation:

Grades are based on active and consistent participation, regular and on time completion of asssignments, and oral and written evaluations during quizzes and exams.

Class attendance and participation55%

Student Feedback

Student Opinions - Your concerns, problems and thoughts are important to us. Do not permit any misunderstanding to go by for longer than twenty four hours. Feel free to drop in during office hours.
You can always send a message via Email to: Professor Beyer

Class Information:

Instructors:Professor Beyer, Professor Davydov
Office:Freeman T3
Office Hours: Monday 11:00 - 12:00; Wednesday 9:30-10:00, 11:00 - 12:00
Office Phone:(802) 443-5536
Fax Number (802) 443-5394
email address tom.beyer@middlebury.edu
Home Phone: (802) 388-7832; Restrictions:please call only in the case of emergencies
Department Secretary (802) 443-5532

Course Name - RU101

Professor Beyer
Middlebury College