Installation notes on QuantumCalc: (1) System Requirements: a. The program plus help files requires (134K + 90K)= 223K of disk space b. while running, the program occupies 279K system memory. c. The QuantumCalc 1.2 folder occupies 480K of disk space when uncompressed d. Requires extended memory - Macintosh Plus or newer e. Requires finder versions 5.5 and up f. This program will not work on a power mac (2) Installation: a. drag the "QuantumCalc 1.2 sea" icon to the folder or disk you want to install the program on. b. Double click on the "QuantumCalc 1.2 sea" icon to start the installation. c. Press he extract button to install the program. d. The installation will produce a folder called "QuantumCalc 1.2" containing 6 objects: "QuantumCalc16 apl" the application program "QunatumCalc16 apl 68020" application needing a coprocessor "Help QuantumCalc" program help file "QuantumCalc Manual" a program manual "QuantumCalc Guide" a teachers guide for the program "Read Me First" this document e. Inorder for the program to run correctly the "Help QuantumCalc" folder must be in the same folder as the application program QunatumCalc16 apl. The program begins by reading the file called "help title file" within the Help QuantumCalc folder. (Programs were compressed with Comapct Pro copyright 1991 Bill Goodman) (3) Running the program: a. Launch the program by double clicking on "QuantumCalc16 apl" b. Use the Help menu to get information about the program c. The program may be stopped by selecting quit from the file menu or simultaneously pressing the command and period keys. (4) Convergence errors: Numerical errors can occur if xmax and xmin are set too large or the wrong eigen eigen value is used. Set xmax and xmin large enough for the wavefunction to go to zero but not so large that round off errors can cause an increase in the function after it approaches zero. Numerical overflow errors (Basic error 11) ocasionaly ocure because of poor initial guesses for the eigen value or x range. The program can recover from these errors. If the automatic mode fails to lock onto an eigen value becuase of numerical errors, stop the iteration and change the initial guesses.