The CHEM pages Chemistry & Biochemistry
Middlebury College

Meet Our Faculty

We have 6 full time teaching faculty and 2 assistants in instruction. We are dedicated teachers; a common commitment to undergraduate education is what brought us together at Middlebury. We love to teach, and at Middlebury this means we enjoy interacting closely with students. We do more than teach in the traditional sense. We also teach by involving students in our research, and we are proud of our national reputation for high quality teaching and excellent research.

James A. Larrabee, Professor and Associate Dean of the College (Inorganic Chemistry)

Jeffrey H. Byers, Professor and Chair of the Department (Organic Chemistry)

Stephen F. Sontum, Professor (Physical Chemistry)

Sunhee Choi, Professor (Physical Chemistry)

Robert G. Cluss, Associate Professor (Biochemistry)

Lisa M. Landino, Assistant Professor (Biochemistry)

Robert W. Gleason, Professor Emeritus (Organic Chemistry)

Richard C. Bunt, Assistant Professor (Organic Chemistry)

David D. Weis, Visiting Assistant Professor (Environmental Chemistry)

Kathy Jewett & Tage Ernevad - Assistants in Instruction

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