FYSE 1280 Syllabus
- Week 0 (9/7)
- Wed: Intro to Course (2 hours)
- Thurs: 1-5 Advisor Meetings I
- Fri: 9 - 11:30 Advisor Meetings II, 1-5 Registration (Kenyon)
- Week 1 (9/7)
- Mon: ***
- Mon Eve: Breaking the Code (video)
- Wed: ***
- Fri: ***
- Week 2 (9/14)
- Mon: ***
- Mon Eve: Rise of Enigma & Triumph of the Codebreakers (2
- Wed: ***
- Fri: ***
- Week 3 (9/21)
- Mon: ***
- Mon Eve: Decoding Nazi Secrets (Nova Video)
- Wed: ***
- Fri: ***
- Week 4 (9/28)
- Mon: ***
- Mon Eve: Yom
- Wed: Exam
I ?? (evening)
- Fri: ***
- Week 5 (10/5)
- Mon:
- Mon Eve: David Leavitt Visit
- Wed:
- Fri:
- Week 6 (10/12)
- Mon:
- Mon Eve: Enigma Secret (Video)
- Wed:
- Fri:
- Week 7 (10/19)
- Mon:
- Mon Eve: Turing Test (opera)
- Wed:
- Fri: No Class - Midterm Recess???
- Week 8 (10/26)
- Mon: How "Smart" are Computers? Can Computers
The Turing Test
- Mon Eve:
- Wed: *** these topics earlier ***
- Fri: Introduction to Cryptology, the Caesar
Cipher, Breaking Caesar
- General Mono, Playfair, NBS Movie
- Week 9 (11/2)
- Mon: Some Number Theory
- Mon Eve:
- Wed:
- Fri: The Vigenere Cipher (Le Chiffre Indechiffrable!)
- Week 10 (11/9)
- Mon: The Vernam One-Time Pad, Cryptology during the Civil War
- Mon Eve: Exam
II ???
- Wed:
- Fri:
- Week 11 (11/16)
- Mon: WWI, WWII, and the Enigma Cipher Machine
- Mon Eve:
- Wed:
- Fri: Public Key Cryptology & Digital Signatures
- Thanksgiving Week (11/23)
- Mon: More Number Theory, the RSA Cryptosystem
- Mon Eve:
- Wed: No Class
- Fri: No Class
- Week 12 (11/30)
- Mon: Security of RSA
- Mon Eve: Student Presentations
- Wed:
- Fri: Primality Testing and Factoring, Conclusion
- Authentication and Computer Security
The Human Brain versus the Computer, Course Conclusion - the need for
- Final Exam - ***day May xx
from 9am to noon in MBH 505