Hydra, Greece
I came to Middlebury in the fall of 1995, soon after the belated completion of my PhD, written at Yale under the supervision of John Geanakoplos. I was born and raised in Montreal, and have a BA (First Honours) from McGill, and an MA from Queen's. I am the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at Middlebury and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. In 2017/8 served as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the Hanken School of Economics, also in Helsinki. At Middlebury, I teach courses in poverty and inequality, labor and public economics, macroeconomics and game theory, and do research in behavioral economics, labor economics, political economy, inequality and philanthropy.
I am married to Carolyn Craven, a development economist and award-winning children's book author, and we share our old Vermont home with three cats and, from time to time, our now adult twin daughters, Emma Laurel and Catriona Mari.
I came to Middlebury in the fall of 1995, soon after the belated completion of my PhD, written at Yale under the supervision of John Geanakoplos. I was born and raised in Montreal, and have a BA (First Honours) from McGill, and an MA from Queen's. I am the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at Middlebury and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. In 2017/8 served as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the Hanken School of Economics, also in Helsinki. At Middlebury, I teach courses in poverty and inequality, labor and public economics, macroeconomics and game theory, and do research in behavioral economics, labor economics, political economy, inequality and philanthropy.
I am married to Carolyn Craven, a development economist and award-winning children's book author, and we share our old Vermont home with three cats and, from time to time, our now adult twin daughters, Emma Laurel and Catriona Mari.

Contact Info
Department of Economics
Warner Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont 05753
pmatthew at middlebury dot edu
(802) 989 3310