Update: April 12
Here is a model you can use for html8.
Updates: April 8
Top priority for the class – Excellent final projects!!! (Projects #6)
Other priorities and expectations:
- Next week we’ll put together the Student Symposium presenation.
- Clear up your web pages so they are neat, clear and attractive. Be sure assignments are identified clearly by name/number (i.e. “html4”, “projects5”, etc.)
- Projects3 is ok for everyone.
- Html6 should be posted – I’ll be looking at those soon.
- Html7 should be posted – OR – if you are having trouble with oCanvas no later than 4/15.
- max 5 (jitter visualization) -- This is due tomorrow but I’ll be ok if it’s posted sometime this week if you want more time.
- html8 (web audio api) will be due 4/17, NOT 4/12. I’ll start this topic probably on Wed. and would like everyone to get exposed to the topic, but we’ll need more time to get comfortable with it.
Note: if your final project is a web page, spend more time on the web assignments than the max assignments, and vice versa if you are doing a max project.