Remembering Ted Solotaroff

EDITOR'S NOTE: On a Sunday afternoon last April, a memorial gathering for Ted Solotaroff took place in New York City at Union Theological Seminary. The longer statements that appear below were presented on that occasion, but we have included additional reflections and recollections by a range of people in whose lives he figured significantly in a variety of ways. Since many of the writers included in this compilation suggested the names of others who might have important things to say, we soon recognized that we could have gone on collecting testimony for a very long time, but pressing constraints of time and space have limited us to the contributions that we have collected here. In offering these testimonies, we wish to express our deepest thanks to Maura Spiegel; without her invaluable assistance, and her graciousness in allowing us to publish excerpts of Ted Solotaroff’s unpublished final literary memoir, it would not have been possible for us to assemble this tribute.