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Lemke, Jürgen. Gay Voices from East Germany. Bloomington: Indiana U. Pr., 1991.
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In English: I am My Own Woman: The Outlaw Life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf,
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Cleis Press, 1995. (Also a film.)
Galgóczi Erzsébet. Törvényen
kivül és belül. Budapest: Szépirodalmi könyvkiadó,
In English: Another Love, trans. by Ines Rieder and Felice Newmann.
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In English: A Book of Memories. Tr. Ivan Sanders with Imre Goldstein.
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Tóth László. A homoszexualitásról. Bp: Szociális Munka Gyakorlata, 1994.
journal: Inaczej
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In English: Rudolf. Tr. John and Elizabeth Maslen, Evanston: Northwestern
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Davidovich, Boris L. (pseudonym). Serbian Diaries. Tr. Dragan Vujanic. London: Gay Men's Press, 1996.
Karanovic, Srdjan. Dnevnik jednog filma: Virdzina. Beograd, 1998