An Eastern European Out List

(This one's more eclectic than the Russian list, and it includes some living people who might dispute the identity "gay" but are connectable for some reason.)

Jirí Karásek ze Lvovic (CZ) (1871-1951, poet)
Alfred Redl (HU, spy on whom Colonel Redl was based)
László Almásy (HU, spy on whom The English Patient was based)
Adám Nádasdy (HU, poet)
Péter Nádas (HU, writer)
Karl Benkert (Karoly Kertbeny) (HU) Benkert invented the term "homosexual" in 1869
Jerzy Andrzejewski (PL, 1909-1983, writer)
Frederyk Chopin (PL, 1810-1849, composer)
Józef Czechowicz (PL, 1903-39, poet)
Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz (PL, 1894-1980, writer)
Wanda Landowska (PL, 1879-1959, harpsichordist)
Jan Lechon (PL, 1899-1956, poet)
Karol Szymanowski (PL, 1882-1937, composer)
Wladyslaw III Warnenczyk (PL, 1424-44, King of Hungary & Poland)
Witold Gombrowicz (PL, 1904-69, playwright)
Narcyza Zmichowska (PL, 1819-1876, writer)
Wolfgang Jöhling (PL, edited Polish anthology of gay lit.)
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (PL, writer )
Bronislaw Malinowski (PL, anthropologist)
Stanislaw August Poniatowski (PL, 1732-98, Poland's last king)
Brane Mozetic (SLO, poet, edited Slovene anthology of gay lit.)
Ion Negoitescu (RO, writer)
György Faludy (HU, poet)
Erzsébet Galgóczy (HU, writer)
Krzysztof Skubiszewski (PL, former foreign minister)
Jerzy Waldorf (PL, literary critic)
Krzysztof Kolberger (PL, actor)

This is just a start. Further suggestions appreciated at!

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