MA 315, Fall 1998
Page 15: In Exercise 17b,
the final sentence should read, "The bucket originally has
a mass of 10 units but loses sand at the constant rate of 1/2
unit per second."
Page 16: There are two mistakes in the statement of Exercise 22a. The constant 32 should be 1/165 and the correct expression for a is
a = -1(1/165) (4000)2/(M
+ 4000)2
where 4000 represents the radius of the earth in miles.
Alternatively, a = -32(R)2/(M+R)2
where R is the earth's radius in feet.
Page 27: (18) should be
bx - ny + s = 0.
Page 38: Figure 2.11: The
labels for L and L' are permuted.
Page 47: In Exercise 9(e), the equation Am1 + Bm2 = ayo should be
Cm1 +
Dm2 = ayo.
Page 48: Line 2: x should
be xo, y should be yo
Page 48: In the first line
of Exercise 11, the term "+ (3/2)" should be "-(3/2)"
Page 62: 5 lines from the
bottom. Sentence should read: "For simplicity,
suppose that the dates chosen are equally spaced so
that t2 - t1 = t1 - to.
Page 77: In Exercise 3,
"propotional" should be "proportional"
Page 77: In Exercise 8,
should have "the population doubles every log 2 years"
Page 77: In Table for Exercise
9 "(per 1000)" should be "(per 100)"
Page 79: In Exercise 27,
"inhibits" should be "inhabits"
Page 79: Line 30: "phenomena"
should be "phenomenon"
Page 91: Line 14: "x(t)
= sin t, y(t) = cos t"should be
"x(t) = cos t, y(t) = sin t"
Page 96: Line 2: Gk2 should
be Ck2.
Page 103: Last line (1/b
- a
) should be 1/(b
- a)
Page 104: Line 12 (third
displayed equation): xm e-nx should be xne-mx.
Page 114: In Exercise 22,
"v' = (am/b)u" should be "v' = -(an/b)u"
Page 115: Exercise 23c,
first "?" should be "."
Page 115: Exercise 29:
the comma after the last equation should be a period.
Page 184: line 11"
"electrons" should be "elections"
Page 194: In references
"Paatanaik" should be "Pattanaik"
Page 200: In the definition
of a "connected" relation, it should be added that x
and y are distinct elements.
Page 210: Exercise 8: the
asymmetry relation should be "xPy imples yx"
Page 210: Exercise 13: the
reference should be to Exercise 11, not Exercise 17.
Page 258: in line 14, the
factor P(N-1) on the right hand side of the equation should
be P(N-1)(t).
Page 266: In Exercise
5(a), "deffinition" should be "definition."
Page 266: In Exercise
9, Pr(B) should be .7 (instead of .2)
Page 267: Exercise 15 has
parenthetical remark which should read "Note that 'most'
may be defined in several different ways."
Page 268: Exercise 24:
should be 0 (zero).
Page 283: Equation (13):
Denominators of all entries in P3
should be 216
Page 308: Exercise 20 should
read "Eq. (14)" instead of "Eq. (16)"
Page 334: String of equalities
at bottom of Page: "Xn" should be "xn"
and the last Un should be Cn.
Page 338: Line 13 "Theorem
2" should be "Theorem 3"
Page 343, Exercise 3: vector
superscript 0 not p.
Page 343, Exercise 4: P
not p.
Page 371: Equation (67),line
4: There should be a 2 after the leading +.
Page 416: In the Solution,
the second component of X should be "5" instead
of "4". The next line should read, "The farmer
should feed the cow 3 units of grain and 5 units of hay."
Page 429: Line 13: The
division symbol should be a +.
Page 430: Third printed
line: "the reverse of A" should be "the inverse
of A"
Page 434: Example 1, line
2: x2 + y2 should be x2 + y4.
Page 435: Definition of
continuity of function should have absolute value signs about
expression f(P) - f(Po).
Page 443: In left hand side
of equation 17, there should be an integration sign before p(x).
Page 453: The answers to
Exercise 11 of Chapter 2 are based on the incorrect value of
+3/2. For the correct value -3/2, the answers are A = (3xo +
4yo + 11)/7 and B = (xo - yo + (1/6))/7.
Page 456: Answer to Exercise
4 of Chapter 9 should be "Pr(tails) = "
Page 456: Answer to Exercise
8 of Chapter 9 should be ".8"
Page 456: Answer to Exercise
20 of Chapter 9 should be ""
Page 456: For Exercise 30
of Chapter 9, expected value is -7/99 dollars.
Page 459: Answers to Appendix
II, line 2: These are the answers to Exercise 6, not Exercise
Page 460, Answers to Appendix
IV, 1a: should read fx(x,y) = cos x cos y.
Page 460: Answers to Appendix
IV, Exercise 9: (3x2 + ) should be [x3 - ]
Revised, March 5, 1998