A Further Look at HTML:
Hypertext Markup Language
So Far...
Introduction | Markup Languages |
Editing HTML | Common Tags |
Headers | Text Styling (U, EM, STRONG) |
Linking | Images |
Images as Links | Text Format with FONT |
Background Color | Hexadecimal Notation |
Horizontal Rules | Line Break <BR> |
• Unordered Lists
• Nested and Ordered Lists
• Tables
• Forms
• Internal Linking
Yet To Come:
Image Maps |
<META> Tags |
Frames |
The Process:
(1) Use a Text Editor to create a file with content and HTML tags
(2) Save this file as a TEXT only TYPE with a descriptive name and a .html suffix in your folder.
(3) Use a Browser to view the .html file
(4) Make changes in .html
file using the text editor.
Let's Look at a Typical "web site"
<!-- WebPage.html in GeorgeW-->
<TITLE>Embedded Files</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR = "papayawhip">
There may be many files named <EM>index.html</EM> in one person's folder.
<P> Main: <A HREF = "index.html">Top Level </A> </P>
<P> Inside: <A HREF = "Files/index.html">Middle Level</A> </P>
<P> Deeper Inside:<A
HREF = "Files/RealStuff/index.html">Deep Level</A> </P>
<!--Creating an unordered list in HTML -->
<!--ulist.html -->
<TITLE>Unordered List</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR = lightyellow>
<H1>The Best U.S. Colleges</H1>
<UL> <!-- Starts a list -->
<FONT COLOR= blue SIZE = +3>
</UL> <!--Ends a list -->
<!--Creating an orderd list in HTML -->
<!--orderedlist.html -->
<TITLE>ordered List</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR = lightyellow>
<H1>The Best U.S. Colleges</H1>
<OL TYPE = a> <!-- Starts a list -->
<FONT COLOR= blue SIZE = +3>
</OL> <!--Ends a list -->
<!--Creating a Nested List in HTML -->
<!--nestedlist.html -->
<HEAD> <TITLE>Nested List</TITLE> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR = lightyellow>
<H1>A Nested List</H1>
<UL> <!-- Starts a list -->
<FONT COLOR= blue SIZE = +3>
<LI>Section X</LI>
<LI>Annalise Erkinen</LI>
<LI>Veljko Linta</LI>
<LI>Section Y</LI>
<LI>Louisa Conrad</LI>
<LI>Megan Michelson</LI>
<LI>Colin Rodgers</LI>
<LI>Section Z</LI>
<LI>Matt Burke</LI>
<LI>Missy Krempa</LI>
<LI>Bob Wannop</LI>
</UL> <!--Ends a list -->
<HEAD> <TITLE> Basic Table </TITLE>
<!-- Basic_Table.html -->
<H2> An Example of a Simple Table </H2>
<TABLE BORDER = "2" ALIGN = "right" WIDTH = "60%">
<CAPTION> Here is where the caption goes</CAPTION>
<TR><TH>This is the head.</TH><TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN = "center">This is the body.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN = "leftr">This is another row of the body.</TD></TR>
<HEAD> <TITLE> Complex Table </TITLE>
<!-- Complex_Table.html -->
<H2> An Example of a Complex Table </H2>
<TABLE BORDER = "1" ALIGN = "center">
<CAPTION> Here is a more complicated table </CAPTION>
<COL ALIGN = "right">
<COL SPAN = "4" ALIGN = "center">
<TR BGCOLOR = "yellow">
<TH ROWSPAN = "2">
<IMG SRC = "Bush.jpg" ALT ="President Bush" >
<TH COLSPAN = "4" VALIGN = "top">
<H1>Presidential Facts</H1><BR>
<P>Totally Fictitious? <P>
<TR BGCOLOR = "khaki" VALIGN = "bottom">
<TD ROWSPAN = "2">Llama</TD>
<TD ROWSPAN ="2">Pajama</TD>
<TD>Andes Mountains</TD>
<HEAD> <TITLE> Basketball Standings </TITLE>
<TABLE BORDER = "4" WIDTH="400" >
<COLGROUP> <COL SPAN = "4" ALIGN = "center"> </COLGROUP>
<CAPTION><EM>Eastern Teams</EM></CAPTION>
<H2>Atlantic Conference</H2>
<TD >33</TD>