Lecture 4
What is the World Wide Web?

The Web is not the Internet

The Web is not Hardware
The Web is not Software

The World Wide Web is a collection of standards (protocols) that allow users of the Internet to access information in a specific way using web pages.

WWW = collection of electronically linked web pages

Web pages: text, pictures, sound, animation.


Life before the Web

 Find address of remote site
 Telnet to that site
 Use ftp to transfer file
 Quit telnet
 Run application (e.g. PhotoShop, Word) that could display image
 Load image into the application

Life with the web


A song
The Latest News (cnn.com)
Our Navy (navy.mil)

The White House (whitehouse.gov)
Kenya: http://www.kenyastatehouse.go.ke


Tim Berners-Lee: "an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing."

Tim Berners-Lee

Born London, England, 8 June 1955


With a background of system design in real-time communications and text processing software development, in 1989  he invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing. while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory. He wrote the first web client (browser-editor) and server in 1990.

History of Browsers
 MOSAIC (first graphical browser): Marc Andreesen (1992)

 Netscape (Jim Clark, Stanford)
 Internet Explorer (Microsoft, 1996)


Popularity of the Web
 Very easy to use
 Easy to search
 Access to incredible amounts of information
 Great Commercial Potential

How  Does the Web work?

 Web Page:  Content plus Script describing how text and graphics should appear

 Script written in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

 Creating HTML:
  Indirectly (You Design; they generate HTML)
           Claris Homepage
           Front Page Express
           Netscape Composer

Hypertext: Text enhanced with capability of having links to other pages.

Homepage: starting web page in a person’s collection of linked Web pages

As you view Web page, everything that is needed by a browser to display the page, including the underlying HTML script and images, is transferred to your computer.

What happens if the page is modified as you are viewing it?
Refresh or Reload to see new version

Sending and receiving data over the Internet
 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
 www. middlebury.edu



Future of the Web
 Access via telephone
 Cheap computers" that only run a browser
 Remotely stored software

Saturating the Market
 3 years ago:  33% of homes had computers
 Today: 50%
 97% have TV sets
 Is there a "magic" technology?