CX 103: Introduction to Computers

Lecture 35

As Deep Blue goes deeper and deeper, it displays elements of strategic understanding. Somewhere out there, mere tactics are translating into strategy. This is the closest thing I've seen to computer intelligence. It's a weird form of intelligence, the beginning of intelligence. But you can feel it. You can smell it.

Frederick Friedel,

assistant to Gary Kasparov


Final Examination

Tuesday, May 15

9 am - Noon



Answers to Fall 2000 Final

Course Evaluations

Notes on Final Exam

Last Third of Course: ~ 42%

JavaScript: ~ 25%

Fire in the Valley (Last Third): ~ 12%

HTML : minimal

Professor Martin will probably administer test


The Poems


is beauty itself

that they were waking there. All along the new world naked,

cold, familiar wind

Human    Computer


What seas what shores what granite islands towards my timbers

And wood thrush calling through the fog

My daughter

Human    Computer


Men with picked voices chant the names

of cities in a huge gallery: promises

that pull through descending stairways

to a deep rumbling



I am lonely, lonely.

I slap an answer myself

she hides deep within her

yet plays --




Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh;

The worlds revolve like ancient women

Gathering fuel in vacant lots.



is a steady burning

the road the battle's fury--

clouds and ash and waning

sending out

young people



"Interesting book?"

she sits

dancing by the electric typewriter,

bloodless revolution of meats

strings of use,

Politics, cautious, and the fact

she is the fact

she is calling them all--



All along the road the reddish

purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy

stuff of bushes and small trees

with dead, brown leaves under them

leafless vines



Results of A (Kind of) Turing Test

Poem Author Correct Incorrect
One Computer 15 12
Two T. S. Eliot 15 12
Three W. C. Williams 14 13
Four Computer 16 11
Five T. S. Eliot 14 13
Six Computer 17 10
Seven Computer 12 15
Eight W. C. Williams 15 12
    118 (55%) 98

True Author Said 




Computer 60 48
Human 53 65


Computers and the Future:

Some Issues

Ubiquitous Computing

Ubiquitous computing is the method of enhancing computer use by making many computers available throughout the physical environment, but making them effectively invisible to the user.




Impact on Children

Information as Power


Gordon E. Moore

Chairman Emeritus of the Board


Moore's Law:

Memory Chip Capacity (and hence computer power & speed) doubles every 18 months.

Ray Kurzweil, Material Girl

Raymond Kurzweil, a National Medal of Technology recipient, has always wanted the world to know about the woman that lurks within him. Now he's using computers to show off that persona, a 25-year-old rock star named Ramona.

Tune in as Farhad Manjoo interviews Ray/Ramona for Wired News Radio.,1665,42031,00.html (Ramona)


The Age of Spiritual Machines :

When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence

Chapter 1:

Kurzweil's Predictions


A $1,000 personal computer : trillion calculations per second

Computers embedded in clothes and jewelry

Most routine business transactions take place between human and a virtual personality.



$1,000 computing device : Equal to Computational ability of the human brain.

Computers are now largely invisible and embedded everywhere.

Three-dimensional virtual-reality displays.

Most interactions with computers is through gestures and natural-language spoken communication.

Realistic, all-encompassing visual, auditory, and tactile environments enable people to do virtually anything with anybody, regardless of physical proximity.

People begin to have relationships with automated personalities as companions, teachers, caretakers and lovers.



A $1,000 unit of computation: computing capacity of 1,000 human brains.

Direct neural pathways for connection to human brain.

Neural implants enhance visual and auditory perception, memory and reasoning.

Legal rights of computers?

Machines claim to be conscious.



Merger of human thinking and machine intelligence.

No clear distinction between humans and computers.

Most conscious entities do not have a permanent physical presence.

Machine-based intelligences derived from models of the human brain claim to be human.

Software-based humans vastly exceed native neuron-cell-based humans.

The development of the computer could well prove one of humanity's greatest technological achievements. The computer may yet rank alongside the use of fire, the discovery of the wheel, and the harnessing of electricity. These previous advances harnessed basic forces. The computer harnesses intelligence itself.

Paul Strathern
Turing and The Computer