Can Computers Write Poetry?

Poetry CreatOR 2

created by

Jeff Lewis and Erik Sincoff

Tale of Ada Lovelace

Slowly Ada Lovelace transfers upon the horny sea.

A hairy man moaned at the sight of Jan Valdez.

Ever radiantly, the throat took its toll...

Winky, the precise little carpenter smiled with a cherib grin

"I am dainty, I am dandy!" Crazy Horse argued as he tiptoed in blood

Last for the hushing first for the breaking--Now you must form

Hope for you is not a morning dove, rather a mourning prong

Cast me down from heaven for visualizing of nimbuses.

O melancholy world, you have stabbed me again.

The moon is a dying cloud that

dreams noisily. 

I sow several errors; I commit bitter


controversies dangle in the silly

candlelight. try not to breathe angrily;

her wine splashes on my gas mask 

gnomes perform King Lear for

disturbed children. 

their cow is like a ton of rental cars

must a big box of drowsy chameleons


daisies stagger to perfect brides,

distorting countless interlocking adults


A mother worries for a creepy guru 

the flamethrowers 


the dance. 

the dying bird sings to me noiselessly.

these hands. 

they clamp solidly from my


each spring is an eloquent atrocity

not enough people remember the first

cruel summer

anomalies crawl among the





Ray Kurzweil




Ray Kurzweil was the principal developer of

the first

omni-font optical character recognition,

print-to-speech reading machine for the blind,

flat-bed scanner,

text-to-speech synthesizer,

music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments,

and the first commercially marketed large vocabulary speech recognition.



Kurzweil Cybernetic Poet

"We have reached the point where computers can successfully imitate human performance within narrowly focused areas of human expertise."

- Ray Kurzweil


is beauty itself

that they were waking there. All along the new world naked,

cold, familiar wind

Human                              Computer



What seas what shores what granite islands towards my timbers

And wood thrush calling through the fog

My daughter

Human                                  Computer



Men with picked voices chant the names

of cities in a huge gallery: promises

that pull through descending stairways

to a deep rumbling

Human                                  Computer


I am lonely, lonely.

I slap an answer myself

she hides deep within her

yet plays --


Human                           Computer


Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh;

The worlds revolve like ancient women

Gathering fuel in vacant lots.

Human                           Computer


is a steady burning

the road the battle's fury--

clouds and ash and waning

sending out

young people

Human                           Computer


"Interesting book?"

she sits

dancing by the electric typewriter,

bloodless revolution of meats

strings of use,

Politics, cautious, and the fact

she is the fact

she is calling them all--
Human                           Computer


All along the road the reddish

purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy

stuff of bushes and small trees

with dead, brown leaves under them

leafless vines

Human                           Computer