Lecture 16
Web Pages Due Friday
Print out First Page;
JavaScript Control Structures
I. sum = First + Second + Third;
average = (First + Second + Third)/3;
sum = First + Second + Third;
average = sum/3;
Begin to think about computational efficiency.
II. if ( First > Second) { if (First > Third) largest = First ; }
if ( Second > First) { if (Second > Third) largest = Second;}
if ( Third > First) {
if (Third > Second ) largest = Third ; }
Some Issues to Consider
Can you generalize your algorithm to handle larger collections?
Does your algorithm work
in extreme cases? What are the extreme cases?
Notes on Today's Homework
Top-Down Design and Stepwise
Design 1:
Collect a bunch of letters
Determine how many vowels and how many consonants.
Design 2:
a) Get a letter
b) Determine whether it is a vowel.
c) If a vowel, increase number of vowels seen by 1.
d) If a consonant, increase number of consonants by 1.
Repeat steps (a) - (d)
until done
Alternative Design 2:
a) Get a letter
b) Determine whether it is a vowel.
c) If a vowel, increase number of vowels seen by 1.
d) Increase number of letters seen by 1
Repeat steps (a) - (d) until done
Consonants = Letters seen
- Vowels seen
Design 3:
While (Letter is not *)
{ Get Letter
Increment Letters seen by 1
If letter is vowel then increment Vowels }
Consonants = Letters -
Design 4:
Initialize Vowels and Letters to be 0
While (Letter is not *)
{ Get Letter
Increment Letters seen by 1
If letter is vowel then increment Vowels }
Consonants = Letters -
Design 5:
Vowels = 0; Letters =0;
Get Letter;
While (Letter is not *)
{ Increment Letters by 1;
If letter is vowel, increment Vowels by 1;
Get Letter; }
Consonants = Letters -
Re-examine Body of Loop:
Testing for a Vowel
while( Number < 6) {
A = window.prompt("Enter an uppercase letter", " ");
if (A == "A") Vowels = Vowels + 1;
if (A == "E") Vowels = Vowels + 1;
if (A == "I") Vowels = Vowels + 1;
if (A == "O") Vowels = Vowels + 1;
if (A == "U") Vowels = Vowels + 1;
Number = Number + 1 ; }
Is there any way to simplify
Compound Boolean Expressions
if ( Combined SAT > 1400 AND GPA > 3.9) Admit
if ( Combined SAT > 1400 OR GPA > 3.9) Admit
In JavaScript:
if ( (Combined_SAT > 1400) && (GPA > 3.9) ) Admit;
if (
(Combined_SAT > 1400) || (GPA > 3.9) )Admit;
What if we wanted to admit anyone who met at least one of these qualifications:
SAT > 1400
GPA > 3.9
Olympic Team Member
are met?
if (
(Combined_SAT > 1400) || (GPA > 3.9) || (OlympicTeamMember) )Admit;
<!- Homer Simpson March 21, 2001
HomerSimpson/VowelCounter3.html -->
<TITLE>Assignment 14: Program 2</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
/* Programs gets six letterss
from the user and then counts are reports
the number of vowels (A,E,I,O,U) */
var Letter, Vowels, Consonants, Number;
Vowels = 0; // initialize counter
Number = 0;
document.writeln("The letters you submitted were ")
while( Number < 6) {
Letter = window.prompt("Enter an uppercase letter", " ");
if ( (Letter == "A") || (Letter == "E") || (Letter == "I") || (Letter == "O") || (Letter == "U") )
Vowels = Vowels + 1;
Number = Number + 1 ; }
Consonants = 6 - Vowels;
document.writeln("There were " + Vowels + " vowels and " + Consonants + " consonants");
Boolean Algebra
NOT | ||
P && Q | P|| Q | ! P |
true | true | true | true | false |
true | false | false | true | false |
false | true | false | true | true |
false | false | false | false | true |
JavaScript Control Structures
while for do/while
Repetition with Loops
do/while ("post-test") Loops
for ("counted") Loops
Terminology: Each of these loops contains a loop body. It is the loop body that will be executed over and over again.
Each loop will be executed a certain number of times that is governed by a loop control variable (lcv).
Each loop has a test for termination.
Any repetition carried out by one of these methods
can be modified to be done by the other two methods.
for Loops
easiest to use:
test for termination and
updating of loop control variable
are automatically handled
Basic form of for Loop:
for ( lcv initialization; loop continuation condition; lcv update)
{ body of loop }
var i;
for ( i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
time for Spring Break!");
Example: Find sum of first 200 positive integers:
var i, sum;
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 200; i = i + 1)
sum = sum + i;
Example: Find sum of all the even numbers from 2 to 200:
var i, sum;
sum = 0;
for (i = 2; i <= 200; i = i + 2)
sum = sum + i;
while Loops
The while loop has the form:
while ( some boolean condition)
{ body of loop }
The body of the loop is executed as long as the Boolean condition is true.
When Boolean becomes false, the loop terminates and execution continues with the code following the loop.
The test for termination occurs "at the top" of the loop, before the body is executed. It is possible that the loop may not be executed at all.
You must update the lcv yourself.
do/while Loops
The form of the do/while loop is:
{ body of loop }
while (some Boolean condition)
Test for termination is "at the bottom."
The loop body will be executed at least once.
The loop body will be performed as long as the Boolean condition is true.
You must update the lcv
N = 1;
document.writeln("I Love JavaScript.");
N = N + 1;
<= 100)