CX 103

Introduction to Computers

Spring 2001



Initial Handouts



Course Description with Syllabus


Assignment 1

New York Times Article

Today: Course Introduction

• Life in the Information Age

• Middlebury’s Campus Network

• Web and email Preview

Course Introduction:

• Course Information and Handout Information is on our course "Homepage"

Weeks 1 - 4

Fundamentals of

Computers and

Networks; the


the Web; using HTML

to create Web pages

Weeks 5 - 9

Programming in



Weeks 10 - 12

Topics in Artificial


Impact of Computers

on Society

eBusiness and

Computer Security





How to get to Middlebury’s homepage? my homepage?


How to get to your homepage and your email address?


Each of you has a homepage and an email address. They are based on your college username.

The algorithm (a recipe for doing something) used at Middlebury to create user names involves the first letter of your first name together with the first six or seven letters of your last name.

For example,

Laura Scripture

would have user name


(Midd usually uses 6 letters but will do more if it anticipates conflicts. See the directory).

Once username is known, your email address and homepage address are completely determined.

homepage address is: www.middlebury/~username

email address is:

Life in the Information Age


Each of the past three centuries has been dominated by technology.


• 18th: Mechanical Systems and the Industrial Revolution

• 19th Steam Engine

• 20th Electricity, Atom, Information

Worldwide telephone networks

radio and TV

birth/ unprecedented growth of computer industry

communication satellites


What’s happening online?

• Shopping

• Loans

• Job Recruiting

• Applying to College

• News and Sports

• Travel

• Entertainment

• Art

• Education

• Electronic Books

• Medical Diagnosis

• Music


Coming Soon: Movie servers?

Differences between all kinds of data are quickly disappearing.

Everything is digital.

• text

• voice

• pictures

• music

• video

• art

Major Problem:

Information Overload


Hard to keep up with rapid changes and volume of data.

Pace of Life has changed and planet has shrunk

There is a major difference between how you get and deal with information and how your parents did the same thing when they were your age.

There will probably be at least as great change between you and your children!




How to Cope:



Knowledge Navigation

Two Features of Our Approach:


I. Computer as "Mixed Blessing"

New Capabilities

New Problems

II. Enabling You to Grow With Changes in the Technology

Technical Details May be Obsolete Before You Graduate but...

Fundamentals Endure

Middlebury’s Campus Network

Sophisticated Equipment

Integrated into Campus Life

Campus Wide Network

Fast and Free


Macintosh: use Chooser

Windows: Network Neighborhood