CX 103 : Introduction to Computers
Spring 2001
Assignment 8
Due: Monday, March 5
Read Chapter 4: "Homebrew" and Chapter 5: "The Genie in the Box" in Freiberger & Swaine, Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer.
Identify the four or five key names of people, events, businesses and ideas in this chapter along with a sentence or two about their significance.
Writing (Print and Hand In)
(1) Modify the List_Of_Programs.html file you created for Assignment 7 to include a TABLE at the top with 3 rows and individual cells for the seven divisions (Arts, Humanities, etc.). The name in each cell should be a link to the spot in the file where the listing of the programs within that division begins. (See the reverse side of this sheet for what the browser should display. Save it in a file List_with_Table.html in your folder.
(2) Tuesdays sessions will be devoted to a discussion of the early chapters (1 5) of Fire in the Valley Prepare a list of 5 or 6 discussion questions you would like to have explored on Tuesday. (Your questions may be short; the responses we hear might be long!).