Spring 2001
Assignment 3
Due: Monday, February 19
Read Chapter 2: "The Voyage to Altair"
in Freiberger & Swaine, Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal
Computer. Identify the four or five key names of people, businesses
and ideas in this chapter (e.g. Ed Roberts, MITS, Altair) along with a
sentence or two about their significance.
Surf the Web and locate three excellently designed and three poorly designed web sites. Write a paragraph about each one describing the strong and weak points of the design. Make sure that you include the URLs for the sites.
In Tuesday's lab, you will have an opportunity to show your classmates one of these sites.
We will be showing the PBS series Nerds 2.0.1 which chronicles the history of the Internet and the World Wide Web on Sunday afternoon, February 18. The series is made up of three one hour videos. We'll start the first one at 2 PM in Warner Hemicycle. Please join us for one or more of these shows.
For more information about the series, click here: Nerds