Spring 2001
Assignment 15
Due: Wednesday, March 21
Complete reading Chapter 9: "JavaScript/JScript: Control Structures
I" and begin reading Chapter 10: "JavaScript/JScript: Control Structures
II" in Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, Internet & World Wide Web:
How to Program.
Programming (Hand in on Wednesday)
Modify our VowelCounter2 JavaScript program so that it can accept an arbitrary number of uppercase letters from the user. The window prompt should direct the user to enter a specific character which is not a letter (for example, *) to signify that the user does not want to submit any more letters. The program should then report the number of vowels and consonants submitted.
You may assume that the user will only enter genuine upper case
letters (or the special termination character) and will not try to trick
you by entering a lower case letter or a character (such as %) which is
not a letter of the alphabet.
Longer Term Creative Project
Put together all the HTML features we have studied to produce
your personal home page for your web site. Complete this project by Friday,
March 23.