Spring 2001
Assignment 14
Due: Monday, March 19
Begin reading Chapter 9: "JavaScript/JScript: Control
Structures I" in Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, Internet & World
Wide Web: How to Program.
2) Write a JavaScript program that inputs from the
user six uppercase letters and then displays the letters and the
number of vowels and consonants submitted. Count as vowels A, E,
I, O and U and count all other letters as consonants.
You may assume that the user will only enter genuine
upper case letters and will not try to trick you by entering a lower case
letter or a character (such as %) which is not a letter of the alphabet.
Comment on how you might approach the issues of converting a lower case
letter to an upper case equivalent and of rejecting a non-letter character.
Longer Term Creative Project
Put together all the HTML features we have studied
to produce your personal home page for your web site. Complete this project
by Friday, March 23.