CX 103 : Introduction to Computers
Spring 2001
Assignment 10
Due: Friday, March 9
Read Appendix D "Number Systems" in Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program.
If you are interested in the capabilities of a WYSIWYG Web design software program, read Chapter 6 "Microsoft FrontPage Express" in Deitel, Deitel & Nieto. This program is included on the CD that accompanies the text. Another popular graphics-based HTML editor is Netscape Composer which is included in the Netscape Communicator package. The Netscape website contains a good tutorial on using Composer. Other commonly used packages are Adobe Page Mill and Claris Home Page. While these programs are helpful, they are no substitute for the clearer and more powerful code you can produce working with HTML directly.
Writing (Print and Hand In on Friday)
(1) Use Frames to create a two-frame web page in which the List_with_Table.html file you created for Assignment 8 appears as the right hand frame of a two-frame web page. The left hand frame should include a list of the seven divisions. Each should be a link into the appropriate part of the right hand frame as we illustrated in class with framesHW.html Call your finished product Academic_Frames.html The browser should produce a picture that looks similar to the one included here.
2) Find an interesting image, import it into an html document and create a web page which has the image divided into two or three regions which are linked to different web pages related to the corresponding portion of the image. Be creative! Call your finished product HW_10_Image.html
For both exercises, you should submit printed versions of both the html files and the display the browser produces.