Spring 2001
Assignment 1
Due: Wednesday, February 14
Read Preface and Chapter 1 "Introduction to Computers and the Internet" in Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program. You may skim lightly through section 1.17.
Read Preface and Portents and begin reading Chapter 1: "Tinder for the Fire" in Freiberger & Swaine, Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer.
Find an article on an interesting local issue on the web site of a newspaper in your home state,. Then copy and paste the article into a Word document. Include in the Word document a description of how you located the newspaper’s web site (e.g. "I entered "Detroit News" in the search engine google" or "I followed the following links from the library’s web page:"). Submit a printed version of the document.