Jamaica Haiku

So much time, so much rum...
Nothing to do, but write haiku!

While in Jamaica, I was so relaxed that I began to write haiku. I thought I remembered that haiku were 5 syllables,
7 syllables, and 5 syllables. After I had written several, I expressed concern that my memory might be faulty.
At that point my wife Karen said, "Well if you're wrong, just say it's a new form and call it Maiku!"
So, here they are...

Waves on the ocean;
sun, palm trees, sand: no problem.
Coke, dark rum, and lime.

Arawak island
paradise. Land of wood and
water and maroons.

In Kingston's ghetto,
four wailing rude bwoys on fire.
No woman, no cry.

The sun laughed at my
pale Irish skin. "Vermonter?"
"You're lobster boy now!"

Just watching the waves.
So that's what a thong looks like!
What? No, nothing. Dear.

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