Kathryn Morse
Professor and Chair
Dept. of History
John C. Elder Chair
in Environmental Studies
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753


Curriculum vitae

Digital Exhibit:
Fifty Years of Green: An Environmental History of Middlebury College
Since 1965

Middlebury Links

Teaching Spring 2016

Other Useful Links

ENVS 215: Nature's Meanings: American Experiences


Past Courses
Yet More Links
ENVS 215--Nature's Meanings: American Experiences--Fall 2014


FYSE 1378: American Environmentalism in the 1970s--Fall '12

HIST 216: The American West



Making of America--Online Primary Sources


ENVS 401: Environmental Studies Senior Seminar
Spring 2011


HIST 406: Readings in American Environmental History


ENVS 215: Nature's Meanings: American Experiences--Spring '12