David P. West, Jr.
Background and Teaching Philosophy
Prior to my arrival at Middlebury in the fall of 2001, I taught at Earlham
College in east-central Indiana, Lafayette College in eastern Pennsylvania, and
at Bowdoin College in Maine. I have taught a wide variety of introductory and
upper-level geology courses during my teaching career, including: Physical
Geology, Earth Resources, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Tectonics,
and Field Methods. In addition, I have supervised over 30 undergraduate thesis
projects in structural geology and petrology. The basic tenet of my teaching
philosophy involves the integration of "hands-on" field experience
with class work. Field experience lies at the heart of active learning in the
Earth Sciences, and I am convinced that a thorough understanding of geology is
best gained by actively observing and interpreting Earth features. Teaching
geology at Middlebury has been a joy given the diversity of rock types exposed
in the area, and that spectacular examples of folding, faulting, ductile shear,
and cleavage development can all be found within a relatively short distance of
campus. In addition to my on-campus teaching, I have organized and led several
off-campus multi-week field courses during my teaching career including trips
to Maritime Canada, northwestern
Research Interests
Broadly speaking, my research interests lie in the temporal and spatial
distribution of deformational and thermal events during mountain building
processes. In laypersons terms, I study the ways in which mountain systems grow
and evolve in time and space. As one might expect, mountain belt evolution
involves a number of complexly interrelated processes and I employ a
multi-disciplinary field-based approach to studying such processes. I consider
myself to be what is often referred to in the field as a "hard-rock
geologist" and my research involves bedrock mapping, structural and
microstructural analysis, igneous and metamorphic petrology as well as
thermochronology. One of the main goals of my research has been to understand
the evolution of deformational processes with time. Because most of this
deformation is occurring many kilometers beneath active tectonic zones and is
therefore inaccessible, most of my studies have concentrated on the deeply
eroded roots of an older mountain belt - the
Publications (* Denotes Student Co-Author)
Books Edited
Berry, H.N. IV, and West, D.P., Jr.
(editors), 2016, Guidebook for Field Trips along the Maine Coast from Maquoit Bay to Muscongus
Bay: New England Intercollegiate
Geological Conference Guidebook, 326 p.
West, D.P., Jr. (editor), 2011, Guidebook for Field
Trips in Vermont and Adjacent New York: New England Intercollegiate Geological
Conference Guidebook, 347 p.
West, D.P., Jr., and Bailey, R.H. (editors), 2001, Guidebook for
Geological Field Trips in New England: Geological
Society of America National Meeting Field Trip Guidebook,
Ludman, A., and West, D.P., Jr. (editors), 1999, The Norumbega Fault System of the Northern Appalachians: Geological Society of America Special Paper 331, 202 pages.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book
*Johnson, S.A., West, D.P., Jr., and Peterman, E.M., 2024, Geochronology, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of Ordovician metavolcanic rocks in the Liberty–Orrington belt, Maine: implications for the evolution of peri-Gondwanan arcs in the northern Appalachians: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 61, no. 2, p. 205-222.
Amidon, W.H., Kylander-Clark, A.R.C., *Barr,
M.N., *Graf, S.F.I., and West, D.P., Jr., 2022, Pace of passive margin
tectonism revealed by U-Pb dating of fracture-filling calcite: Nature
Communications, v. 13, p. 1-7.
West, D.P., Jr., Peterman, E.M., and *Chen, J., 2021, Silurian-Devonian tectonic evolution of mid-coastal Maine, U.S.A.: Details of polyphase orogenic processes, American Journal of Science, v. 321, p. 458-489.
*Cartwright, S.F.A., West, D.P., Jr., and Amidon, W.H., 2019, Depositional constrains from detrital zircon geochronology of strata from multiple lithotectonic belts in south-central Maine, USA, Atlantic Geology, V. 55, p. 93-136.
West, D.P., Jr., Bradley,
D.C., and Coish, R.A., 2016, Litchfield Pluton in South-Central Maine: Carboniferous Alkalic Magmatism in
northern New England, USA, Atlantic Geology, v. 52, p.
Abbott, R.N.,
Jr., West, D.P., Jr., Bandy, B.R., and McAleer, R.J., 2016, Petrology
and tectonic history of Green Bay Schist, Portmore, St. Catherine Parish,
Jamaica, Caribbean Journal of Earth Science, v. 48, p. 1-18.
Price, N.A., Song, W.J., Johnson, S.E., Gerbi, C., Beane, R.J., and West, D.P., Jr., 2016, Recrystallization fabrics from sheared quartz veins with a strong pre-existing crystallographic preferred orientation from a seismogenic shear zone, Tectonophysics, v. 682, p. 214-236.
Ryan, P.C., West, D.P., Jr., Hattori, K., *Studwell, S., Allen,
D.N., and Kim, J., 2015, The influence of metamorphic grade on arsenic in meta-sedimentary bedrock
aquifers: A case study from western New England, USA, Science of the Total
Environment, v. 505, p. 1320-1330.
West, D.P., Jr.,
Abbott, R.N., Jr., Bandy, B.R., and Kunk, M.J., 2014, Protolith provenance and thermotectonic history of metamorphic rocks in eastern
Jamaica: Evolution of a transform plate margin: Geological Society of
America Bulletin, v. 126, p. 600-614.
*Johnson, J.E., West,
D.P., Jr., Condit, C.B., and Mahan, K.H., 2014, Strain localization in the
Spanish Creek mylonite, northern Madison Range, southwest Montana, U.S.A., Rocky
Mountain Geology, v. 49, p. 25-48.
McHone, J.G., Hussey,
A.M., II, West, D.P., Jr., and Bailey, D.G., 2014, The Christmas Cove
Dyke of coastal Maine, USA, and regional sources of Early Mesozoic flood
basalts in northeastern North America: Atlantic Geology, v. 50, p. 66-90.
Price, N.A., Johnson,
S.E., Gerbi, C.C., and West, D.P., Jr., 2012, Identifying deformed pseudotachylyte and its influence on the strength and
evolution of a crustal shear zone at the base of the seismogenic
zone: Tectonophysics, v. 518-521, p.
Dorais, M.J., Atkinson, M., Kim, J., West, D.P., Jr., and Kirby,
G.A., 2011, Where is the Iapetus suture in northern New England? A study of the
Ammonoosuc Volcanics, Bronson Hill terrane, New
Hampshire: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 49, p. 1-17.
Roden-Tice, M.K., West,
D.P., Jr., Potter, J.K., Raymond, S.M., and Winch, J.L., 2009, Presence of
a long-term lithospheric thermal anomaly: Evidence from apatite fission-track
analysis in northern
Johnson, S.E., Lenferink, H.J., Price, N.A., Marsh, J.H., Koons, P.O. West, D.P., Jr., and Beane, R., 2009. Clast-based kinematic vorticity gauges: the effects of slip at matrix/clast interfaces: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 31, p. 1322-1339.
Marsh, J.H., Johnson, S.E., Yates, M.G. and West, D.P. Jr., 2009. Coupling of deformation and reactions during shear zone development at the frictional-to-viscous transition: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 27, p. 531-553.
Johnson, S.E., Lenferink, H.J., Marsh, J.H., Price, N.A., Koons, P.O. and West, D.P., Jr., 2009, Kinematic vorticity analysis and evolving strength of mylonitic shear zones: new data and numerical results: Geology, v. 37, 1075-1078.
West, D.P., Jr., Roden-Tice, M.K., Potter, J.K., and
*Barnard, N.Q., 2008, Accessing the role of orogen-parallel faulting in
post-orogenic exhumation: Low-temperature thermochronology across the Norumbega fault system,
West, D.P., Jr., Yates, M.G., Gerbi, C., and
*Barnard, N.Q., 2008, Metamorphosed Ordovician iron- and manganese-rich rocks
in south-central
Gerbi, C., and West, D.P., Jr., 2007, Use
of U-Pb geochronology to identify successive, spatially-overlapping tectonic
episodes during Silurian-Devonian orogenesis in south-central
West, D.P., Jr., Tomascak, P.B., Coish, R.A., Yates, M.G., and
*Reilly, M.J., 2007, Petrogenesis of the Lincoln Syenite,
West, D.P., Jr., Coish, R.A., and Tomascak, P.B., 2004, Tectonic
setting and regional correlation of Ordovician metavolcanic rocks of the Casco
Bay Group,
West, D.P., Jr., *Beal, H.M., and Grover, T.W., 2003, Silurian
deformation and metamorphism of Ordovician arc rocks of the Casco Bay Group,
West, D.P., Jr., and Roden-Tice, M.K., 2003, Late Cretaceous
reactivation of the Norumbega fault zone,
West, D.P., Jr., 1999, The timing of displacements along the Norumbega fault system, south-central and south-coastal
Ludman, A., and West, D.P., Jr., 1999, Preface, Norumbega
fault system of the
West, D.P., Jr., and Hubbard, M.S., 1997, Progressive localization of
deformation during exhumation of a major strike-slip shear zone: Norumbega fault zone,
West, D.P., Jr., Guidotti, C.V., and Lux, D.R., 1995, Silurian orogenesis in the Western Penobscot Bay region, Maine: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 32, p. 1845-1858.
Hubbard, M.S., West, D.P., Jr., Ludman, A., and Guidotti, C.V., 1995,
The Norumbega fault zone,
Hubbard, M.S., Spencer, D.A., and West, D.P., Jr., 1995, Tectonic
exhumation of the Nanga Parbat massif, northern
West, D.P., Jr., Lux, D.R., and Hussey, A.M., II, 1993, Contrasting thermal histories across the Flying Point fault, southwestern Maine: Evidence for Mesozoic displacement: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 105, p. 1478-1490.
West, D.P., Jr. and Lux, D.R., 1993, Direct dating of mylonitization by the 40Ar/39Ar method: An example from the
Norumbega fault zone,
Marchant, D.R., Swisher, C.C., III, Lux, D.R., West, D.P., Jr., and
Denton, G.H., 1993, Pliocene paleoclimate and East Antarctic Ice Sheet history
from surficial ash deposits and geomorphological studies of southern Victoria
Land: Science, vol. 260, p. 667-670.
West, D.P., Jr., Ludman, A., and Lux, D.R., 1992, Silurian age for the Pocomoonshine Gabbro-Diorite, southeastern Maine and its
regional tectonic implications: American Journal of Science, vol.
292, p. 253-273.
Crelling, J.C., Hippo, E.J., Woener, B.A., and West, D.P., Jr., 1992, Combustion characteristics of selected whole coals and macerals: Fuel, vol. 71, p. 151-158.
West, D.P., Jr., Lux, D.R., and Hussey, A.M., II, 1988, 40Ar/39Ar
hornblende ages from southwestern
Bedrock Geologic Maps and Reports Published
West, D.P., Jr., 2023, Bedrock geology of the Louds Island 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Geologic Map 23-587, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2023, Bedrock geology of the New Harbor 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Geologic Map 23-586, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr.,
2023, Bedrock geology of the Louds Island and New Harbor 7.5’
quadrangles, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Bulletin 46, 40 pages.
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II, 2022, Bedrock geology of the Pemaquid
Point 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 21-10, Scale =
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II, 2022, Bedrock geology of the Bristol 7.5’
quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 22-7, Scale = 1:24,000.
Hussey, A.M. II and West, D.P., Jr., 2022, Bedrock geology of the
Boothbay Harbor 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 22-9,
Scale = 1:24,000.
Hussey, A.M. II, West, D.P., Jr., and Whittaker, A.T.H., 2022,
Bedrock geology of the Phippsburg 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine
Geological Survey Map 22- , Scale = 1:24,000.
Whittaker, A.T.H., West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey,
A.M. II, 2022, Bedrock geology of the Lisbon Falls North 7.5’ quadrangle,
Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 22- , Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II,
2021, Bedrock geology of the Monmouth 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine
Geological Survey Map 21-15, Scale = 1:24,000.
Norton, S.A., Berry, H.N., IV, and West, D.P.,
Jr., 2021, Bedrock geology of the Union 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine
Geological Survey Map 21-1, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2020, Bedrock geology of the
Bath 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine
Geological Survey Map 20-12, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2019, Bedrock geology of the
Lisbon Falls South 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 19-7,
Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II,
2018, Bedrock geology of the Freeport 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine
Geological Survey Map 18-11, Scale = 1:24,000.
Hussey, A.M. II, and West,
D.P., Jr., 2018, Bedrock geology of the Brunswick, 7.5’ quadrangle,
Maine, Maine Geological Survey Map 18-04, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II, 2018, Bedrock geology of the Yarmouth 7.5’
quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 18-10, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2016, Bedrock geology of the Wiscasset 7.5’
quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 06-27, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., and Pollock, S.G., 2016,
Bedrock geology of the Hampden 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 16-10,
Scale = 1:24,000.
Pollock, S.G., and West,
D.P., Jr., 2016, Bedrock geology of the Brewer Lake 7.5’ quadrangle,
Maine: Maine Geological Survey
Map 16-9, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2016, Bedrock geology
of the Snow Mountain 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 16-26,
Scale = 1:24,000.
Grover, T.W., and West,
D.P., Jr., 2014, Bedrock geology of the East Pittston 7.5’
quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 14-30 , Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., 2014, Bedrock geology
of the Brooks West 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map
14-4, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., Berry, H.N. IV and Corbett, L.B., 2010, Bedrock geology of the Richmond 7.5’ quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 10-19, Scale = 1:24,000.
West, D.P., Jr., and *Ellenberger, E.D., 2008, Bedrock Geology
Purgatory 7.5’ Quadrangle,
West, D.P., Jr. and *Cubley, J.F., 2006,
Bedrock Geology of the Bowdoinham 7.5' Quadrangle,
West, D.P., Jr., 2006, Bedrock Geology of the
West, D.P., Jr. and *Peterman, E.M., 2004, Bedrock Geology of the Razorville 7.5' Quadrangle,
Field Trip Guidebook Chapters
West, D.P., Jr. and Condit, C.B., 2016, Stratigraphy,
structure, and plutonism in the Wiscasset-Dresden region of mid-coastal Maine; in Berry, Henry N., IV, and West, David P., Jr., editors,
Guidebook for field trips along the Maine coast from Maquoit
Bay to Muscongus Bay: New England
Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p.
West, D.P., Jr., and Hussey, A.M. II, 2016,
Middle Ordovician to Early Silurian terranes of the northern Casco Bay region,
Maine, in Berry, Henry N., IV, and West, David P., Jr., editors,
Guidebook for field trips along the Maine coast from Maquoit
Bay to Muscongus Bay: New England
Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p.
Berry H.N. IV, West, D.P., Jr., and Burke, W.B., 2016,
Bedrock relationships along the Sennebec Pond fault:
A structural puzzle, stratigraphic enigma, and tectonic riddle, in Berry, Henry
N., IV, and West, David P., Jr., editors, Guidebook for field trips along the
Maine coast from Maquoit Bay to Muscongus
Bay: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook,
p. 43-70.
Whittaker, A.T.H., Berry, H.N. IV,
and West, D.P., Jr., 2016, Plutonic
rocks from Waldoboro to Richmond, Maine, in
Berry, Henry N., IV, and West, David P., Jr., editors, Guidebook for field
trips along the Maine coast from Maquoit Bay to Muscongus Bay: New England Intercollegiate Geological
Conference Guidebook, p. 267-294.
West, D.P., Jr., Thompson, W.B., Hooke, R., and Pollock, S., 2016,
Bedrock and surficial geology in the greater Belfast-Brooks area, south-central
Maine: Geological Society of Maine summer field trip, p. 1-26.
West, D.P., Jr., Kim, J., Klepeis, K., and Webber,
J., 2011, Classic bedrock teaching localities in the Champlain Valley between
Middlebury and Burlington, Vermont, in West, D.P., Jr., editor, Guidebook
for Field Trips in Vermont and Adjacent New York: New England
Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p.
Marvinney, R.G., West, D.P., Jr., Grover, T.W., and Berry, H.N. IV, 2010, A stratigraphic review of the Vassalboro Group in a portion of central Maine, in C. Gerbi, M. Yates, and D. Lux, eds, Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and Interior Maine: 102nd New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 61-76.
Price, N.A., West, D.P., Jr., Johnson, S.E., and Marsh, J.H., 2010, Coupled deformation and metamorphism, ultramylonite development, and evidence for paleoseismicity during protracted dextral shearing in the Norumbega fault system, south-central Maine, in C. Gerbi, M. Yates, and D. Lux, eds, Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and Interior Maine: 102nd New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 109-131.
West, D.P., Jr., Hussey, A.M., II, Berry, H.N., IV, and *Cubley, J.F., 2006, Bedrock geology of the Falmouth-Brunswick and central Maine sequences, Bowdoinham quadrangle, southern Maine, in D.G. Gibson, J. Daly, and D. Reusch, editors, 98th New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 43-56.
West, D.P., Jr., *Senese, M.A., and *Sterrett, J.B., 2000, Structural geology and tectonics of Silurian- Devonian terrane accretion in south-central Maine, in Yates, M.G., Lux, D.R., and Kelley, J.T., eds., Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and East-Central Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook (92nd Annual Meeting), p. 107-128.
West, D.P., Jr., 1995, The Norumbega fault zone in south-central Maine: A trip through 80 million years of dextral shear deformation: in Hussey, A.M., II and Johnston, R.A., editors, Guidebook to Field Trips in Southwestern Maine and Adjacent New Hampshire, 87th New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 125-143.
Stewart, D.B., Tucker, R.D., and West, D.P., Jr., 1995, Genesis of Silurian composite terrane in northern Penobscot Bay: in Hussey, A.M., II and Johnston, R.A., editors, Guidebook to Field Trips in Southwestern Maine and Adjacent New Hampshire, 87th New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 29-49.
Recent Conference Abstracts
*Johnson, S.A., West, D.P., Jr., and Peterman, E.M.,
2022, Petrology,
age, and geochemistry of the Yarmouth Island Formation, Casco Bay, Maine:
Insights into the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of mid-coastal Maine, Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs
West, D.P., Jr., and Peterman, E.M., 2022, Contact relationships
between the Liberty-Orrington and Fredericton belts in the Boothbay region,
mid-coastal Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
vol. 54, no. 3, doi: 10.1130/abs/2022NE-375303.
West, D.P., Jr., and Peterman, E.M., 2021, Magmatism along the Norumbega fault system corridor in Maine: A review in honor
of Sheila Seaman, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 53,
no. 1, doi: 10.1130/abs2021NE-361891.
West, D.P., Jr., Peterman, E.M., and *Chen, J., 2020, Igneous petrogenesis and overprinting deformation and metamorphism of the Early Devonian Edgecomb Gneiss, Mid-coastal Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 52, no. 2, abs/2020NE-344724.
*Cartwright, S.F.A., and West, D.P., Jr., 2019, Depositional ages and sediment provenance of multiple lithotectonic belts in south-central Maine: Constraints from detrital zircon geochronology, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 51, no. 2, abs2019NE-328244.
Guevara, V.,
Mako, C.A., Smail, N., and West, D.P.,
Jr., 2019, Cryptic “Barrovian”
metamorphism in a regional low-pressure metamorphic terrane: An example from
south-central Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 51, no. 2
S.F.A., and West, D.P., Jr., 2018,
Detrital zircon geochronology of strata from multiple accreted terranes in
south-central Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vo. 50, no. 2,
*Proctor, A.M., and West, D.P., Jr., 2018, Bedrock geology
of the Ordovician Casco Bay Group, Harpswell, Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 50, no. 2
West, D.P., Jr., 2017, A review of the pre-accretionary history of coastal Maine peri-Gondwanan terranes, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 49, no. 2, abs/2017NE-290854.
*Best, M.B., West, D.P., Jr., and Coish, R.A., 2017, An early record of Rheic Ocean formation in the Northern Appalachians: The
North Haven Formation in Penobscot Bay, Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 49, no. 6,
*Burke, W., West, D.P., Jr., and Coish,
R.A., 2016, Petrology, geochemistry, and U-Pb zircon ages
of metamorphosed Cambrian-Ordovician volcanic rocks of the St. Croix belt,
western Penobscot Bay, Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-280884.
*Burke, W., West,
D.P., Jr., and Coish, R.A., 2016, Petrology and geochemistry of
metamorphosed Cambrian-Ordovician volcanic rocks of the St. Croix belt, western
Penobscot Bay, Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 2, doi:
10.1130/abs/ 2016NE-272605.
Felch, M., West,
D.P., Jr., and Falster, A.U., 2016, A new spodumene-bearing LCT pegmatite
occurrence in mid-costal Maine, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 2., doi:
West, D.P., Jr., Hussey, A.M., II, 2015,
Juxtaposition of contrasting structural regimes across a portion of the Norumbega fault system in the northern Casco Bay region of
Maine: Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, T41C-2918,
AGU Annual Meeting.
West, D.P., Jr., Hussey, A.M., II, Bothner, W.A., 2015, A review of the Casco Bay Group and Falmouth-Brunswick Sequence of southern Maine: Regional significance of an extensive Middle to Late Ordovician Peri-Gondwanan volcanic arc terrane, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 3, p. 43.
Ryan, P.C., Kim, J., and West, D.P., Jr., 2015,
Along-strike variation in arsenic and other trace elements in metapelites of
the Connecticut Valley/Gaspe Sequence (NE Vermont and SE Quebec) , Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 3, p. 101.
Professional Service
General Chair and Primary Organizer of the 2024 Northeastern Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America held in Manchester, New Hampshire in March, 2024. This 3-day meeting was attended by ~800 geoscience students and professionals and included ~400 oral and poster presentations.
Co-organizer with Emily Peterman
(Bowdoin College) of the 6th Biennial Structural Geology and
Tectonics (SG&T) Forum held at Bowdoin College in June,
This 5-day National Science Foundation funded conference brought
together members of the SG&T community for field trips and technical
sessions aimed at pedagogical and research topics unique to the discipline.
Co-organizer and guidebook co-editor for the 108th Annual Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference: Conference held in mid-coastal Maine, October 14-16, 2016.
Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Management Board Officer (Secretary-Treasurer: 2013-present; Chair: 2006-2007; Vice Chair: 2005-2006).
Primary organizer and guidebook editor for the 103rd Annual Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference: Conference held in west-central Vermont, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2011.
Joint Technical Programming Committee for the Geological Society of America Annual Meetings (Structural Geology and Tectonics Division representative) 2010 and 2011.
Editor of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division Newsletter for the Geological Society of America (2008 – 2012).
Vermont Geological Society Secretary (2002-2012).
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (Leader of 11 different NEIGC field trips)
NEGSA Theme Session Organizer: 2022, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2010, 2006, 2005, and 1998
2002 GSA GeoHostel
Field Trip leader (Co-leader of a multi-day field trip along the southern
coast of
2001 Geological Society of America
Field Trip Co-Chair (involved the organization & coordination of 26
field trips associated with the 2001 GSA national meeting in
Elected Fellow of the Geological
Society of America (2008)
Isoclinal recumbent folding in the Western Gneiss region, Norway
Deformed Ordovician metavolcanic rocks, Outer Heron Island, Maine
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