Middlebury College
Center for the Arts / Performing Arts Series

Takacs Quartet Residency Evaluation 2002

If you participated in more than one Takacs residency activity,
you may either select only one event to review, or re-submit this form for each activity.

I participated in the following activity:
Overall, the activity met with my goals/expectations:
The Quartet demonstrated mastery of the topic:
The Quartet interacted well with the class & professor:
The format and content of the activity was approriate:
There were sufficient opportunities for students to participate:
The length of the activity was sufficient:
The activity was relevant to my current studies:
What aspect of this activity was most valuable to you?
What would have made this activity better?
What other types of activities would you like to see for future artist residencies?
Additional Comments:
Exit Poll: Would you recommend this activity to other students?
Name (optional):

Please hit "Submit Form" below. Thank you for your time and responses.

Have a wonderful Feb. break!!

Please report any questions or problems to Allison Coyne