Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences Spring, 1999
Instructor: Sunhee Choi Course Aims: 1. To learn thermodynamics to understand the interrelationships of various equilibrium properties of a system and the changes in equilibrium properties in processes from the macroscopic point of view. 2. To learn kinetics to understand rate processes. 3. To learn the basic principles of physical methods in characterizing biological molecules such as electrophoresis, centrifugation and radioactive counting. MEETING TIMES: TH 11:10 AM- 12:25 PM SCC 420 F 2:35 PM - 3:25 PM SCC 405 Text Book: Tinoco, Jr; Sauer; Wang, "Physical Chemistry", Third ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1995 LECTURE AND EXAM SCHEDULE
REQUIREMENTS: Daily Assignment and Reflection Paper: After every lecture, you are required to write a reflection paper about the subject you have learned that day. You are expected to spend at least one hour for this (Write the starting and ending time on the paper). The reflection paper is due the following class. You must hand it to me in the beginning of class as an entry ticket to the class. = 10% QUIZZES: I will give a weekly quiz every Tuesday in the beginning of class. = 20%
HOMEWORK: I will assigne a H.W. problem set every Friday,
which is due the following Friday in class. = 10%
EXAMS: The exams will cover the lecture material.