Physical Chemistry II Spring, 1996
Instructor: Sunhee Choi Course Aims: 1. To see how the individual energy levels of molecules (electronic, vibrational, rotational, nuclear and electronic spin) can be used to account for the properties of matter in bulk by means of statistical mechanics which links between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. 2. To learn thermodynamics to understand the interrelationships of various equilibrium properties of a system and the changes in equilibrium properties in processes at the macroscopic view point. 3. To learn kinetics to understand rate processes such as chemical reactions, diffusion, and the flow of charge in an electrochemical cell. MEETING TIMES: Lecture TH 9:30 - 10:45 am SCC 420 Discussion F 11:25 am - 12:15 pm SCC 519 Text Book: R. A. Alberty and R. J. Silbey, "Physical Chemistry", First ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992 LECTURE AND EXAM SCHEDULE
REQUIREMENTS: READING: You will understand the lectures better if you read the chapter in the book before the corresponding lecture.
QUIZZES: I will give a weekly quiz at the end of Tuesday or Thursday class
which is due 3:00 p.m. on that day. = 20%
HOMEWORK: I will assign a weekly H.W. problem set which is due one week after the assignment. = 20%
EXAMS: The exams will cover the lecture material. = 60%