Microscopic Physical Chemistry
Fall, 1998

Instructor: Sunhee Choi
Office 528 SC, Tel. ext. 5716
Office Hour: when I am in.

Course Aims:

1. Understand the electronic structures of atoms and molecules by use of quantum mechanics.

2. Obtain the basic understanding of spectroscopy by means of quantum mechanics and learn how spectroscopy can be used to determine molecular structure and properties.


Lecture : TH 9:30 - 10:45 AM SC405

Discussion F 10:10 AM -11:00 AM SC519

Text Book:

R. A. Alberty and R. J. Silbey, Atkins, Winn, Noggle


Dates Topics
9/15, 17, 22, 24
9/29, 10/1, 6, 8
Quantum Theory
10/14 W Exam I - QT
10/13, 20, 22, 27, 29 Atomic Structure
11/3, 5, 10, 12 Molecular Electronic Structure
11/20 F Exam II - A & M
11/17, 19, 24 Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
12/1, 3 Electronic Spectroscopy
12/11 F Exam III - RV & E
12/8, 10 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
12/18 F Final - NMR, H.W., Quizzes, Exams I, II, III


Reading: You will understand the lectures better if you read the chapter in the book before the corresponding lecture.

Daily Assignment and Reflection Paper: Every Tuesday and Thursday night, you are required to write a reflection paper about the subject you have learned. You are expected to spend at least one hour for this (Write the starting and ending time on the paper). These reflection papers are due the following class. You must hand them to me in the beginning of class as an entry ticket to the class. = 10%

Quizzes: Every Tuesday = 15%

Homework: I will assign a H.W. problem set every Friday,
which is due the following Tuesday in class. = 15%
No late work will be accepted.

Exams: The exams will cover the lecture material. = 60%

(Exam I : 15%, Exam II : 15%, Exam III: 15%, Final : 15% )

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