Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Spring, 1998


Sunhee Choi Rick Bunt
Office SCC528 Office SCC426
Tel x5716 Tel: x2559

Instruments Consultants: Jim Larrabee: IR, Stopped-Flow Kathy Jewett: Bomb Calorimeter


The purpose of this laboratory course is to introduce the experimental methods and instrumental techniques used in physical and inorganic chemistry. The laboratory projects will include the area of kinetics, thermodynamics, spectroscopy and inorganic synthesis using NMR, IR, UV/Vis, spectroscopies and bomb calorimetry

Required Projects

1. Resonance (or strain) Energy by Bomb Calorimetry.

2. Rot-Vib Spectra of C2H2/C2D2 (or HCl/DCl, or CO) by Infrared Spectroscopy.

3. Fast Kinetics using Stopped-Flow Method.

4. Synthesis of an air-sensitive inorganic molecule using controlled atmosphere techniques and its characterization by NMR, FTIR, and UV/Vis Spectroscopies.

5. NMR Determination of Paramagnetic Susceptibility.

Lab Schedule    
Dates Topic Instructor
2/8 Introduction Choi, Bunt
2/15 Bomb Calorimetry Choi
3/1 Rot-Vib Choi
3/15 Synthesis Bunt
4/5 Magnetic Susceptibility Choi
4/19 Kinetics Choi
Lecture Schedule  
Topic Lecturer
NMR Choi
NMR Choi
NMR Bunt
NMR Bunt
NMR Bunt
NMR Bunt


Laboratory Notebook, participation and house keeping: 10%

Journal Style Written Reports (60%)

Synthesis (Bunt)
Stopped-Flow Kinetics (Choi)
Magnetic Susceptibility (Choi)

Oral Reports (30%)

Bomb Calorimetry (Choi/Bunt)
Rot-Vib Spectroscopy (Choi/Bunt)

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