Priscilla S. Bremser

Professor, Middlebury College

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


I am on sabbatical for the 2006 - 2007 academic year. I am based at Middlebury; email is the most reliable way to get in touch.

Second Course Development Workshop in the Mathematics of Social Justice

Mathematics faculty from a variety of colleges and universities will gather at Middlebury College June 20 - 23, 2007 to work collaboratively on course materials and ideas for service-learning projects exploring the connections between mathematics and social justice issues. For more information, click here.

The second workshop is made possible by funding from the Learn and Serve America program through the Pennsylvania/New York Campus Compact, and from Middlebury College, Lafayette College, West Chester University, Moravian College, and East Stroudsburg University.

Student Handbook

During Winter Term 2002, four mathematics majors and I worked on a proof-writing handbook for students. In fact they wrote and we all edited. It is available here!

Web Resources for High School Teachers

This is a list of links I've compiled after conversations with teachers at Roosevelt High School and the Academy for Environmental Science in New York City.

Links to other sites

My favorite mathematics site is The Math Forum. That's where I originally found links to most of the mathematics sites I've seen, such as:

Symmetry and Pattern: The Art of Oriental Carpets

Mathematics and the World Wide Web

The Geometry Center

The Women in Math Project

 Middlebury College

 Dept.Of Mathematics & Computer Science