Similarly solar are : -- "zor";
sunrises in Russian are zori -- a gaze is vzor,
horizon in Russian is krug-ozor "zor" -- (this is
-- the sun demon); "Zohar"
is -- the book of gleaming things; "zor" --
(the aurora [zoroto] is--gold
[zoloto]); zor-gor-go(u)r gives "jour";
"roz" is rosy; roses are --sunrises [zory]:
born-growth-birth-rye in Russian are
rozhd-rost-rod-rozh; and harvest is --
rozhai-urozhai; the birthing process is sunny; rose
--"roda";"roda" is "rose" (in Greek); the island of
is a -- "rosebush"
[rozovnik]; Rodoessa
(the name) is "Rose"; the dawn [zaria]
gives birth to [rodye] ruddy
[rdiannye] roses for us;
"rossa-rosina-rodina" (birthplace [rodina],
birth [rod]); we are born from the roses of
the sun's dawn: there is -- our