Exhaled heat, a stream
of "h," as it collides with the sound "r,"
begins to revolve; after leaping across
the "r," the stream of air falls, and
ringing, it reverberates, like "z": it
flies through the teeth to the outside in
a shining whistle: the sounds of "s" are
-- wings of the whistle of light, fires;
the Hebrew letter -- the fire and the
serpent -- rips apart the barrier of the
teeth; and a ray penetrates into our
mouth; the woven fabric of flying lights
is being woven; and the ancient
the warmth, the sphere shapes, the ashen
heats burn: the spindle with rays of
shining things burbles: zi-ze-za-zo-zu,
si-se-sa-so-su: these are -- light-rays;
subsequently they condense as roots; they
run in tongues as golden-flows of heat;
"r" is -- the warmth of the light of life;
"z" is -- its glow
its ray.