And -- there were: no
beginnings, no archangels,
angels; there were no
human being, animals, grasses, dry land; the Deity
itself had not yet inclined to the place of the
world: it was still being postponed by the
collapse: it formed a hole in the self-creation of
spiritual beings; but the collapses of the
spiritual world are -- gifts[dary]; they
turned them into nothingness, like the heat
of life, -- the Thrones;
and the Elohim condensed the heat:-- a
consciousness of heat and of the sphere formed
inside the Elohim; the selfconsciousness of the
Elohim now penetrated itself; and -- sensed its own
being (the plan of physical life), like a blazing
sphere; and it looked with its eyes into itself:
the eyes of the sphere -- the coincidences of
Elohimic thoughts -- sensed themselves, like the
selfness of the body: this was the beginning
of the Primal Beginnings
they were incarnated.