"You have to look precisely at
these words, what they signify; because the word
Am collects itself in the heart, and
approaches the lips, here it is captured, and
soundingly returns back to its point of departure .
. . This signifies . . . , that the sound departed
from the heart of God and embraced the whole space
of this world; but as soon as it turned out to be
evil, then the sound again retreated back." Here is
vividly depicted the soulness/soulful
(spiritual) quality of
the movement of the vowel "a," and the giving up of
the sound with "m": the gestures of "m" are a
giving forth from the lips into the realm of the
orifice -- lower and more forward in relationship
to the "n" . . . " The word An explodes from
the heart to the lips, and leaves a long trace;
when it is pronounced, then it closes the circle in
the center on its throne by means of the upper
palate and remains half on the outside and half on
the inside"... (Here once again the vowel "a" is
directly connected with the heart; and the "n"
permitting a stream of exhalation through the nose,
leaves behind its own impression: "half on the
outside and half on the inside".)... This
signifies, that the heart of God conceived an
aversion to the damaged and turned away from itself
the damaged being... "* etc. -- In the course of
several pages Yakov Boehme depicts gradations of
gestures of sound.